Butch DeLoria

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Her and Freddie always walk the vault corridors hand-in-hand. It makes me feel angry, anxious, whatever feelings a guy can have whenever he knows the girl he loves is with someone else. Oh, stupid— that's jealousy! Well, I'm definitely jealous of everything that Freddie Gomez has stolen from me, just by making her swoon.

I could be nicer to her, compliment her every so often. There's a lot I could compliment her on, she's damn near perfect. I could give her things, things that mean something to me and could mean something to her. I gave her my jacket once when she was cold— she really liked that.

I can stand being friend zoned, at least then I know she still cares about me. Now that she has Freddie, she won't even give me five minutes.

A tap on my shoulder brings me out of my daze, as I stared at the imperfect couple before me. I turn to glare at the person, but then realize it's the other friend that Y/N seemed to leave behind when she fell in lust with Freddie, that being Amata.

"What is it, pipsqueak?" I shot out, not expecting her to send back a harsh glare but she did.

"I can't help but to notice you staring at them almost all of the time. Why don't you do something about it?" She surprised me by being so blunt. I would have never guessed that she had a problem with Y/N and Freddie's relationship, nevertheless expected me to do something about it. As far as I'm concerned, Amata hates me and never wanted Y/N to be around me anyway.

"Why's that concern you?" I questioned, tilting a brow up as I awaited her answer.

"You want her attention back, for whatever reason. And I want the best for her, which isn't Freddie. He's controlling and she's definitely falling easy for him." Amata spoke out soft enough to not draw in their attention. The couple continued to do stupid, couple-y things, without even bothering to give us a second glance.

"You're right, but she'll come back to me sooner or later, if you're right about Freddie bein' such a douche. I won't even care and neither should you." I finally spoke with confidence, as Amata had given me all of the information i needed to know about their soon-to-fail relationship.

I propped my feet up on the table with a smooth grin over my features. I just had to wait on Freddie to fuck up his own relationship, and before he even realized what he lost, she'll be mine.


She laid against me with her hand on my chest, and her head on that hand. Her other arm was draped over my shoulder, fingertips grazing over my jaw and slightly tickling me. Each time I tried moving my face away, she would somehow notice in her sleeping state and only cuddle up to me further, touching my face once again. I squirmed at her light touch, causing her to awaken.

Meeting those gorgeous eyes, I could only think about waking up to that beautiful color for the rest of myself. I'm glad that she chose to give me that experience— after I tried many times to prove to her that I was worth it. According to her own words, coming out here was enough. At the time, I just thought she was mad at Freddie for choosing to stay. But then I realized she genuinely enjoyed my company, and to her, that was enough.

"You creep, you're staring." She laughed lightly, crawling up a bit so her chest laid on top of mine. She pecks my lips and wraps her arms around the back of my neck.

"How can I not? You're the most beautiful sight in this Wasteland."

She snorts out in laughter, "Hard to tell if that's a compliment, dear. Have you seen the Wasteland lately?"

"You're stunning. I love you, baby." I muttered as she rests her head in the crook of my neck. Though her face was covered, I could tell she rolled her eyes by the slight 'pft' she let roll passed her lips.

"You always were a sap, darling." Those damned pet names I used to roll my eyes at, and now I can't get enough of 'em. The way she says them, even with the most sarcastic tone, I can tell she says them with much affection.

"Wanna get married?" As soon as the words left my mouth, she jumped up, actually scaring me. Her right leg swings over me, planting her other knee on the bed as she now sat on my stomach.

"Are you serious?" She beamed, showing off the prettiest smile as guy could never get used to.

"Well, of— of course! Baby, I love you now and I want to love you for fucking ever." I choked out, overly excited with my own words.

She replies to the question by grabbing my face with either of her hands, squishing my cheeks together and smashing her lips to mine. My hands run over her back and take a hold onto her waist.

"Damn, I'm a fucking winner."

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