Butch DeLoria

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Growing up being teased by Butch was nothing compared to actually growing up with him. As you hit your teens, puberty took it's course onto you, and boom, all of the sudden you have a new body. You knew for sure that you weren't the only one who noticed your changes, the way Butch often watched you with a smirk tied to his face and would occasionally poke you during class. It didn't help any that he sat right behind you.

The class lecture continued going on, but you couldn't focus at all while Butch had his legs propped up underneath your chair, his knees hitting your butt the entire time. He obviously knew he was doing it too, because he snickered each time you tried to shift yourself in your seat but failed due to the limited space you had in it.

Finally, having enough of his games, you turn around with a sharp glare. His cocky smirk takes place amongst his beautiful face once again, as he gazed over you proud of his actions. "Knock it off, will you? I can't concentrate." you huff out, only making him more intrigued.

"C'mon, doll, have a little fun. I'm just messing around." Butch claimed, biting down on his bottom lip as he studied over your intense features. He enjoyed seeing you get so riled up over his actions, especially when he knew you couldn't do anything about it, like disrupting the class to stop him.

"Butch, please. Just– stop." you plead silently, not wanting to draw any attention towards the two of you.

Butch almost exploded with excitement as he finally got to use his favorite line, "Make me." You roll your eyes, turning around and not wanting to deal with him anymore. But it wasn't long before the boy began poking your back, attempting to be the most annoying he could be in the last ten minutes of the lesson. "Hey, so I got no clue what this guy's teachin'. Why don't you come by my place and give me a lesson, sweetie?" Butch whispered in your ear, almost causing you to laugh out loud at his attempt of flirting.

You look over your shoulder, noticing the wink he sent your way. "Yeah, no thanks, voice crack. I've got better things to do with my time."

Butch let out a low groan, not liking being rejected by you. "Alright then, screw the lesson. How 'bout a real date?" He tried again, hoping the idea of something slightly romantic would 'woo' you.

You smile to yourself, finding it kind of cute how persistent he was to have your time. "Alright, Butch, one date. But after that, I expect you not to distract me during class anymore."

Can't promise anything, doll. I'll probably be the only thing on your mind after this date." he spoke confidently, though on the inside, Butch was overwhelmed with excitement and grinning like an idiot at the thought of finally going out with you.

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