Porter Gage

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You couldn't help but to notice the way Gage moved his hair out of his face every so often. Whenever he would be doing something important and needed to concentrate, the length of his hair always caused a distraction to the man and he would become easily frustrated with it.

He was modifying his gun, when you called him over. A pair of scissors in your hand and a wicked smile on your face. Gage gives you a strange look.

"Uh, Boss, what's this about?" he questioned slowly, standing in front of you.

You cross your legs on the couch, pointing to the ground in front of you. He understood and situated himself so he was sitting in front of you, with his back facing you.

"I've noticed that you needed a trim. We could take a long hike until we find a hair dresser, or... you could just trust me doing something I've never actually done before." you tell him, a successful smile on your face when you notice his shoulders becoming less tense.

"Well, if you're gonna do it, can you trim up the sides too? They're kinda, uh, spikey." he replied, unsure of his use of the word.

"Or I could just shave it all off." you hum, taking the scissors to a piece of his growing hair. He chuckles nervously, taking chances assuming that you were joking. "Who usually cuts your hair?" you ask him, snipping off bits off the dead ends.

"It's been a while, but some trader down in the center of town usually carries a pair of scissors and calls herself a stylist. Not so bad, but I haven't seen her 'round too often." he tells you, leaning his head back against your crossed legs.

"Oh, what a shame." you say sarcastically. Your fingertips graze through his greasy hair, picking it up at the ends and styling it the way he way liked it before.

Once the cut was finished, he turned his body to face you with a smirk on his face. "I ain't even seen it yet, an' I know it looks good." he claimed proudly, causing a light blush to form on your cheeks.

You hide your red cheeks by turning your face and nodding in agreement. "Well, I do tend to make great things better." you smirked, this time it was Gage's turn to become flustered with your words.

"You know, if you ever need a cut—"

"I'll stop you right there." you laugh, scooting off of the couch to sit on the ground at his level.

"Just a suggestion, Boss." Gage winked, further stirring your grown feelings for him.

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