Butch DeLoria [𝗡𝗦𝗙𝗪]

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Often you would find yourself at the parties in the vault, where many risqué activities took place between the teens that attended. A game of truth or dare sparked action and it didn't take long for things to get heated. So far, Wally Mack had to strip, Christine gave a lap dance to Susie, and you were forced in a closet with none other than Butch DeLoria.

It was almost like a dream come true, because Butch has been your crush for several years. You never had the guts to tell him or even to admit it to yourself. For so long you hid your true feelings for the boy, but now, during these seven minutes in Heaven, you would be able to freely express them.

He bit his bottom lip, studying your features, seemingly getting to know them as if it were his first time glance at you. "Y/N, babe, let's get a move on this, yeah? We've only got seven minutes."

A sudden urge of confidence strides through you as you smirk, responding, "Oh c'mon, I'll need more than seven minutes with you."

He grins at your reply, moving in closer and putting both hands on your waist. In an instant, his lips are on yours. Butch backs your against the wall, taking the lead as the dominant figure and trails his lips down to your jaw. You emit a soft moan when he begins to suck at the raw skin, biting down harshly to be sure and leave his mark. Butch pulled away and blew cold air onto the mark, looking at the bruise with a proud grin.

You put a hand to the back of his neck, pulling him into you again. While his lips worked on yours, his fingers fumbled with the zipper on your vault suit, tugging it down lightly. You shrug your arms out the material, refusing to break away your kiss unless for a breather.

Butch seemed content to leave the suit resting among your perfectly shaped hips as his eyes locked onto your fitting bra. The crotch area of his suit grew tighter with the excitement that he gained within the act. He reached his hands around your back and smoothly unlatched your bra, tugging the straps off of your shoulders, not wanting to waste another moment of seeing you undressed.

You allowed the bra to fall to the ground without a care. Butch growls hungrily as he takes your breasts in his hands, moving his face into the crook of your neck once more and planting soft kisses down to the parting of your boobs. You take the zipper of his own vault suit, dragging it down impatiently as he did to you before.

"Butch... please." you whined softly, causing him to emit a low groan while he pulled away to finish undressing himself.

You push the rest of your suit down your legs, leaving you in just your underwear while he was left in his white briefs. Butch takes one hand behind your thigh and lifts your leg to his hip, while he further pressed himself against you. His hard member rubbed against you through the material of your panties, leaving you a begging mess to Butch's pleasure.

He took his time, playing with the hem of your panties before sliding in half way down your thighs. You put your hands on top of his, rushing the rest of the process, not playing his game anymore. His underwear was off in an instant and with nothing more left between the two of you, all he needed was the greenlight.

"Butch, please... fuck me." you say softly, feeling him aligning his tip at your entrance.

With a low grunt he pushes his length inside of you, bringing the both of you much deserved pleasure. Your hands fall at his shoulder while he kept a firm hold on your hips.

"God, Y/N... fuck..." he muttered out in between slow thrusts, keeping his pace steady until you were used to his feel.

Your hand trailed to his hair, lightly tugging on his dark curls while the other dug into his shoulder. He emitted low moans and grunts into your ear, quickening his pace. One of his hands finds itself at your ass, giving a squeeze before keeping the grip on it.

"Oh, Butch!" you cry out, not bothering to keep your moaning quiet as you neared your peak.

Butch continuously hit the same spot that made your knees buckle beneath him. If not for his tight hold on you, you would have given out. With his pace becoming much sloppier and rapid, you could tell he was also nearing his orgasm.

He buried his face in the crook of your neck, muttering short swears as he released his load. Short after him, you cum as well. Butch pulls out with a cocky expression, grinning to your breathless form.

"The name really lives up to it, huh? Sure felt like Heaven to me." he gave you a wink, handing you your clothing before he pulled his on.

"Do you think they heard us?" you ask curiously.

He cracked open the closet door and peeked out of it, closing it shut and turning back to you with a smug look. "Oh yeah, they heard all of it."

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