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The group was separated after many infected parted the five of you. You don't know how you ended up with Nick, of all the other survivors, but you were not enjoying your time with him. Especially since you were both stuck in an old freezer, luckily not running.

You didn't even bother to listen to his seven other plans to get out, knowing they were all just as bad as the first one. That being, him, ramming into the door to nudge it open. He ended up falling on his ass, gaining a large bruise to his shoulder, and then complained to you for about an hour.

"Are you even listening, Y/N?" He scoffed, "You know, I'd like to get out of this freezer sometime today. You're not the most pleasurable company, sweetheart."

"Screw off, Nick. We wouldn't even be in this freezer if you hadn't of lead us in here and closed the door behind us. That was all you." You huff out in annoyance, crossing you arms over your chest.

"Stop pouting. Why don't you get up and I'll boost ya' to that vent. You can crawl over to the other side and open the door." He said with a cocky grin, half-expecting you to applaud him for the plan.

You roll your eyes instead, "Are you kidding me? There's got to be at least fifty infected on the other side of that door. I'll drop down defenseless and die doing your stupid plan."

"I can assure you, sweetheart, nobody's dyin' on my part. Now, why don't you get up and let's get on with it." He egged on for you to participate in the death-wish he called a plan.

You shake your head, giving him a strange look. "No way!"

"Y/N, this isn't an option. Get up before I make you—"

"Don't even finish that sentence. You don't tell me what to do. You are not my daddy." You rush the words out of your mouth without thinking. However, what you had said silenced the suited man's begging.

You were about to question it before he spoke up, "Say that again."

Your brows furrow in confusion at what he was going on about. "What?"

"Call me that again." His grin grows as he leaned up against the wall. Nick eyes you up and down, watching your features change from the soft, confused type to nervous and slightly embarrassed. "C'mon, sweetie, don't hold back on me now."

You let out a low, disbelieving laugh. "You liked that?" You ask him seriously, wondering what sparked his interest within your tone.

Nick nods slightly, "Mhm. So I guess it won't be easy to get that again, huh?" He lets out a low chuckle, "I'll find a way to make it happen."


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