Ulysses [𝗡𝗦𝗙𝗪]

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A bottle of the finest red wine you could find in the Mojave, and two untouched glasses. Really, the classy drink used for pre-war celebrations was going to be of waste tonight. Ulysses kept his sight trained on your glass, not speaking a word, though the faint smile among his lips said it all.

"Should I have known, I wouldn't have bothered getting the wine." You moved closer to the man, with him now watching your movements instead, and you placed your hand over his.

He entwined your fingers, bringing his dark gaze to meet your eyes. His expression held of many thoughts, most impure, filled with lust. Tonight could not have been more perfect. He then dipped his head into the crook of your neck, only leaving a small peck before resting in place. His lips hovered over your skin in almost a teasing manner, but he did not so much as to show it that way to you.

"Not even the finest wine is comparable to the pleasure you bring me, dear." He lets out a soft sigh, his breath tickling the soft skin of your neck. "I would like to return the favor. And now could not prove such perfect timing."

His free hand finds a place on your hip, pulling you forward in a motion. You shift yourself towards him, moving so you straddled his lap. In a swift motion, his hand is now on your jaw, bringing your lips to his in a smooth, sensational kiss. Ulysses moves his kiss along the corner of your lips, traveling down your neck and leaving little love bites as your moaned softly, enticing his every movement.

When his lips meet the collar of your shirt, he groans against your skin, then reaches for the hem of your shirt. You help him pull it over your head and toss it aside. His grin grows at your more-so exposed chest, leaving him in an unclothing streak to see the more of you that he loved so much.

He lays you down gently now, crawling over your form. His hands rest on either side of your head while he worked on peppering kisses on your body until his lips met yours again. Ulysses grinds onto you, causing you to moan into the kiss and spread your legs willingly for him to have more room between them.

It doesn't take him long to remove the leftover articles of clothing that remained on the both of you still. Though it wasn't rushed, he never wanted to waste this time with you, always enjoying the way you looked naked beneath him.

"I love you, my dear." His relaxed tone was spoken out and forgotten within the next second, when he aligned himself at your entrance and thrusted inside of you.

You move your hips gracefully against his pace, working your way to manage his length, and emitting loud, pleasurable moans each time he pulled out and pushed back in with a steady force. He buries himself deep inside of you to spark a grand reaction. You take ahold of his shoulders and arch your back, giving him exactly what he pleaded for.

"Do you like it, love?" He murmured in your ear, leaving a light kiss along your lobe.

You nod breathlessly, working up the nerve to speak some kind of response but it's only interrupted with another sweet moan. The knot in your belly tightens and brings a painful bliss among you. You could feel yourself becoming close with each of his steady moves, digging your nails into his shoulders and subconsciously pulling his body closer to your own.

"I'm— I'm going to—"

"I know." He cuts you off, pressing his soft lips to your again as he reached his own climax.

He grunts softly, releasing inside of you and giving a few more thrusts as you came onto him. Ulysses pulls out and shifts to lay beside you, pulling your hot and sweaty body against his.

"Sweeter than any red wine, you are, darling."

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now