Butch DeLoria

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I don't know why the hell she lead us back into another vault. Yeah, it might not be the one we grew up in, but this one might just gives me the creeps.

"Vault 106." She reads off her Pip-Boy, making me scoff. "I wonder what crazy experiment they planned on doing here." I heard her laugh. Oh great, now she's making jokes out of this.

"Don't do that." I mutter, taking out my gun from its holster... just in case. We don't know what's down here.

She turns around, furrowed brows and everything like she didn't know what I was talking about. "Do what?"

"Don't play dumb, girl."

She didn't care for my comment, flashing me one 'a those bright smiles. Before she turned around, yelling had emerged from the corner and a crazy dude came out with a raised lead pipe, he was ready to hit her. I didn't hesitate to aim my gun and fire at his skull, putting him down instantly.

Y/N looked at the dead man curiously for a moment before she looked back to me, nodding a thanks. I nod back and follow her lead once again. As we make it down the hallway in this rundown vault, the lights begin to flicker and they suddenly turn a dark purple, like a black light or something.

The lighting wasn't all that was strange goin' on. I saw my mom, three of her. She– They– Whatever the hell it is, stood at the end of the hallway and made eye contact with me. The lights flickered again before going back to normal.

"What the hell was that?" I questioned aloud, hoping the genius traveling with me would come up with something. But even she was at a loss for words. I wondered if she saw the same thing, or maybe even a vision of her daddy.

"Let's keep going." She shakes her head, ignoring what just happened completely.

"Tell me again, what're we doing down here?" I stop her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She looks at my hand without a word, "There's, uh— There's a bobble head down here. Look, it's not that much of a risk. I wouldn't put you in harms way, but I know how you feel about vaults. You can wait outside if you want. I won't be long."

Her offer was dumb. She knew me better than that, knowing that I wouldn't be going anywhere. The grin growing on her face only proved that. "Lead the way, doll."

She continued on again and I was right there behind her. We had to go through a few more rooms and kill more of the insane people attacking us. I don't know what their problem is, but I could care less since they're a threat to me and my girl.

As soon as she opened the door to another room in this maze of a vault, the lights did the flickering thing again and went purple. I groaned out loud, but froze when I saw another one of her.

Y/N is here, in this vision or whatever this is, except she's sixteen again. She still has that innocent look to her, since not being exposed to the Wasteland yet. No grime or blood matted onto her clothing— and she was still wearing that damned Vault suit she complained about to Amata so often.

Her eyes bore into mine, causing me to feel guilt all over again. I've apologized numerous times for the torment I've caused to her throughout our childhood, and she's accepted all of those times. Yet, I have the urge to say it to this younger version of her and tell her how much I regret hurting that version of her.

And then she cried. As if I had hurt her again. This hallucination came running at me, tears streaming down her face, and fists raised like she was ready to fight me. It was all too surreal, and then it was gone. The lights flickered back to normal once again, and I saw the real version of her pinned on the ground by one of the crazies.

I quickly shoot the guy and run up to her, kneeling down so I can take her in my arms. "God, that was... awful. Are you alright?"

She meets my eyes for a moment, frightened but then her hands find their way to my shoulders and she pulls me down into her embrace. I didn't want to feel like a big baby with her arms around me but it was the first real hug I've had in a real long time. She'd be the only person I let see me this vulnerable.

"I— I saw you. And Wally, and Paul." Her eyes traveled to the man I just killed, then back to mine sadly. "And he was you, but from before. I don't know if any of that makes sense–"

"It makes sense, baby." I stop her worrying, pulling her in closer to my chest and kissing her forehead. That seemed to calm her almost instantly and she relaxed in my hold. "That ain't me no more. I promise, I'm all for you, sweetheart."

"I know, I know."

"Now, can you grab that bobble head so we can get the hell out 'a here?" She laughs at my comment, that being something nice to hear instead of those sobs that made my heart ache.

"No more damned vaults." She mutters, standing to her feet. I watched as she dusted off the back of her pants and in an instant she was back to being the badass I've grown to love.

I wrap an arm around her waist and tug her tightly into my side. "Now, that I can agree with you on, babydoll."

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