Chloe Price

688 37 6

"—And this is it!" Chloe spins around with her arms out, showing off the heaps of trash that she called paradise. You stand in awe, admiring her setup. To some, it was still just a junkyard. But you saw the work she put into this place that she so often escaped to, and you thought it was amazing. "Oh come on, don't just stare at it. Say something." The blue-haired fool urged on for your opinion.

"It definitely reflects you." You laugh under your breath, seeing her roll her eyes. "My trash Princess has found herself quite the kingdom, I see."

"Aw babe, stop. You're making me blush." She played along with your silly banter, grabbing your hand and forcing you to follow along. Chloe guides you through a path of the piles until you reach a little setup.

Broken glass bottles were everywhere and a few sat upon an old car trunk. You knew exactly what this was and called it as such, "Nice shooting range, but I know for a fact you didn't hit those."

"Why such little faith in me, Y/N? It actually hurts my ego hearing you say that." Chloe backed away, taking the pistol from the belt of her pants and clicking off the safety. "Stand back and be amazed."

You cross your arms over your chest and take a step back, watching as your goofy girlfriend aimed the stolen pistol at the bottles. She stuck her tongue out as she focused on the target, not a moment later, pulling the trigger. Glass shattered everywhere as she hit it. She cheered to herself, not noticing that you winced in pain. A piece of the bottle managed to pierce your lower arm, causing it to bleed quite quickly.

"Fuck," you gasped out, shocked by how much it actually hurt. Chloe saw this and rushed right over, taking off her loose flannel and tying it around your arm.

"C'mon, Y/N. Shit, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to—"

"Chloe, it's fine, really. Let's just get back to my house, so I can clean it up." She nods, still feeling guilty for being the cause of your current pain. You sucked it up and put on a pained smile so she didn't feel half as bad. "Don't blame yourself. I was the one who doubted your skill, after all."

"Really making a joke right now?" Chloe groaned, helping you into the passenger side of her truck. She rushes back to the other side, hopping in and starting the ignition.

"It's a lovely trash paradise you have, though. Hopefully you'll take me back again." You smile at her. Chloe gives you a concerned and wary smile in return, using one hand to hold the steering wheel and the other to hold your hand.

"Of course. A trash Princess always leaves her trash kingdom open to her knight in skinny jeans."

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now