Preston Garvey

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You and Preston were on the way back to Sanctuary when the dark green tinted clouds bloomed over you. The rain began to pour down in an instant, sending you both into the nearest building for shelter from the rad-storm. Preston checked out the window, sighing deeply when it was clear that it would be a while before the weather calmed down.

"Everything alright?" You asked him, not really caring for the weather. It didn't taint your mood or effect you in any way.

"What? Oh, uh, yes General. I was just hoping this rain would clear up soon, so we could be more productive." He seemed to calm a bit after opening up, relaxing his shoulders as he set his musket on a nearby table and took off his armor. "We can't do anything, trapped in here."

"Maybe not anything to help the Commonwealth at the moment, but why not help yourself? There's—" You checked behind you, noticing a half-stocked bar, and smile to yourself. "There's plenty of things in here to occupy yourself. Besides, Preston, you need a break."

"Me?" Preston chuckled blankly. "General, if anyone—"

"Y/N. Please, call me Y/N when we talk like this." You quirked a brow up at him, teasing the man slightly. He had grown accustomed to calling you General ever since you took the title, but he enjoyed calling you by your name, even if it wasn't the formal way to address you.

"Well, Y/N, if anyone deserves a break, it's you." He spoke softly, taking a seat beside you. "You've done so much for the Commonwealth, expecting nothing in return. I never got to properly thank you for—"

"Come on, we've been over this. No thanks are necessary, Preston." You tell him. He grins, looking to the ground as his cheeks heated up.

"I know, but thank you anyway. You're truly one of a kind, Y/N, and I'll never be able to thank you enough for all you've done." Preston recited this to you like he's been practicing it in a mirror for so long. You smile, taking his hand in yours. The sappy man needed your delicate touch, entwining your fingers together.

Preston looks up from the ground and meets your eyes once again, a bright grin forming over his face. "I figure, once the rain has stopped, we could do something... fun."

"You mean, helping settlements plant carrots isn't fun to you?" You poked fun at him again, only for the sole purpose of seeing him smile.

"Sure it is, but maybe, we could do something different. Anything you'd like, and I'll be there with you." He proposed the idea, secretly hoping you wouldn't turn him down.

"Like a date? Are you— Preston Garvey, are you asking me out on a date?" You pretend to be shocked, watching as he nervously chewed on his bottom lip and contained his laughter from your silly act.

"I guess I am." He chuckled, giving your hand a soft squeeze. "So, what do you say?"

"Of course."

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