Arthur Maxson

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Y/N invited me to a place called Sanctuary Hills, where she claimed would show me how normal people live. Of course, she meant this as a joke, and I took no offense to it. That was how our friendship worked— her being the General of the Minutemen, and myself as Elder. We held very important ranks, but to each other, we were just ourselves and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I have yet to actually see her here, making me personally want to signal for a Vertibird and get out. People stared, like I was a hybrid of a Deathclaw and a molerat, or something. There were people living here, synthetic, human, and ghoul— and they all lived in harmony. So it was no surprise that they looked at me in such a way. Before Y/N came along, the ways of the Brotherhood were tainted by a hateful view. She led me in a different direction, the right direction for humanity.

The people here had either arrived themselves, or were personally brought here by the graceful Y/N. Like that ex-gunner, Robert MacCready, she told me about. She mentioned of their friendship, and it kills me to admit it, but I was jealous at first. Some other man had stolen her time from me. But then he went back to Capital Wasteland, Y/N told me how worried she was about her friend. She didn't know, but I had my communications from back in Wasteland to look over Robert and make sure of his safe arrival and departure.

For whatever the reason, I didn't know, but Y/N was excited and that's where it left us. She told me to meet her, then she would introduce me to the many families, residents, workers— so much to discuss, when all I really wanted was to spend time with her in a normal setting. I knew she was always uncomfortable on the Prydwen, perhaps feeling like a target. She felt in her natural place when on the ground, and I admired her for that.

soft tap on my shoulder turns me around, only to be faced with her gorgeous smile. The sun shined gracefully among her skin, casting the perfect glow. Her hair looked like it was actually shining in this lighting. She was just absolutely stunning. Others noticed this as well, all equally attracted to the woman once she entered the room. "Did you miss me?" Her sweet voice sounded, music to my ears.

I nod, an attempt to keep my straight face with her and not break character. It took everything I had not to scoop her into my arms and express how much despair I experience when she's not around. "Of course, General." She wasn't convinced. I could see it the way she closed her toothed-smile and instead put on a smirk.

"You can be normal here, Arthur." She whispered, close enough to do so. Her hand grazed over my shoulder carefully as if she were afraid of how fragile I was. "Why don't I show you my home?"

"Yes, lead the way." I followed behind her a few feet. We passed by many stares on the street, some on me in fear and others on her in complete awe. They adored her, but I was positive that I admired her much more than these simple folk.

Y/N opened the door to the least beat up home in the subdivision. It looked fixed up, with a touch of her own. The home fit her personality so well, you had to be stupid not to realize the renovations were all done on her own free time. Once inside, she closed the door behind me. Before she could get another sentence out, I take her into my arms, holding her close like I've always wanted to do.

"I have really missed your presence. I've wished you stopped by sometime, but I understand." I told her, enjoying her touch as she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck. "I want to see you more."

"You're welcome in my home anytime, Arthur." She said, closing her eyes. When she opened them again I was met with that mesmerizing color, falling under her grace. Y/N leaned up and kissed my cheek, putting her hand in its place.

"You are my home. I want to be wherever you are." A sigh slipped passed my lips before I could contain it, "But that– that's impossible, isn't it?"

She shook her head. "Nothing is impossible." That damned hopeful attitude, perhaps the entire reason I fell in love with my best friend in the first place. She was irresistible for so many reasons, yet I have not a clue of which one it was that drew me in. "Is there something else on your mind?" Y/N worried for me, caring as ever.

I didn't want to be seen so unprofessional, so weak. But for her, I didn't have to put on an act. She knew me and I felt like I knew her. Maybe it could work, but in a world like this, love was a dangerous game to play. Especially of our ranks, we were targets. And I'd never want to put her in danger. Forever, my love shall remained closeted. She's just too perfect.

"No, it's nothing." I push it off simply.

She was still unconvinced.

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