Preston Garvey

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Preston looks around in astonishment, a wide grin growing on his face. He spun on his heels slowly to turn and face you, "General... Y/N, this is... this is amazing!" He exclaimed, clear excitement from taking over Nuka-World and ridding of all the raiders inside of it. On top of that, you made it a new base for the Minutemen territory.

"Couldn't let the area just go to waste. I figured we could just cover all the blood stains with Minutemen flags and call it home." You joked, walking towards the carnival game stand. You wondered if it still worked after all this time.

As if reading your thoughts, Preston spoke up. "Since you got the power on, I'm sure most of it connects to those stands. I'll try to find a switch." He walked behind the game stands. Within the moment he disappeared, the lights flickered on and some annoying tune began to play from the buzzers above the stands. "Yes!" You hear Preston cheer to himself, and you laugh at the dork as he came back around the games.

"How's your aim?" You ask him, taking a water gun from the display and tossing it his way while picking up one for yourself.

He studied it nervously, as if it would determine his actual skill with a gun. "Should we really be goofing off right now? Maybe we should get the others to settle in."

"No excuses, Preston." You smirk, hitting the button to start the game. It began a countdown, causing Preston to finally give in.

As the game started, you barely played along and only kept an eye on Preston, who was very obviously into the game. You kept a laugh down and aimed your water gun at the side of his head, pulling the trigger and shooting a direct strike above his ear. He jumped in shock and accidentally dropped his gun, too.

The buzzer went off to signify the end of the game and announced Preston the winner. "Well, would you look at that? Turns out you're better than me." You laugh, taking the tickets and stuffing them into your pockets.

"Perhaps, we could play another round? Maybe a different game?" Preston coughed awkwardly, trying to hide the fact that he actually enjoyed goofing off with you.

"I don't know. There's a lot of people that could use the help moving in right now." You reply teasingly.

Preston smirked, picking up his water gun like it were a trophy. "They can help themselves for now, General. Now, rematch?"

"You're on."

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now