Nick Valentine

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You had no true home, especially after the detonation of the Institute, where you were brought to life and resided in safety. Your first plan was to seek refuge with the Railroad, but the idea of having your memories reprogrammed didn't set right with you. Somehow during the mist, you wound up at Diamond City, passing as a trader.

People always thought you were a little off. You quickly made friends with Nick Valentine, him being the only one to know that you're a synth. You never bought a home but stayed each night at the Dugout Inn, made little tools that were deemed useless by the people, and you spoke with a rare erudite tone.

So once people left the city and didn't come back, it was easy to point fingers at you, the odd one. They would claim, Y/N responsible for the deaths of many! —and some even shouting that you were an escaped synth. They weren't wrong about that, but never hurt a being in your entire lifetime.

The townspeople caught you one day, while you ordering noodles. You were surrounded as they shouted obscenities at you and demanded that you leave their town, they even called you a murderer. The Diamond City security did nothing but turn their heads the other way.

"We let this thing into our town and then people start goin' missin'! It's not a coincidence, people!" one man proclaimed, earning the agreements of most of the others in the circle.

"Now wait a minute, Harold," you heard the familiar accent of Nick, you releasing a sigh of relief to have someone here who didn't hate you. "Those people left town and didn't come back, that's on them. But my friend here, she had nothing to do with that."

"Of course she did! She was workin' with the Institute! What makes you think she's stopped her evil ways?" a lady sparked more controversy, something they all loved to do when situations seemed to start at ease.

Nick let out a low 'tsk' and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Look, she hasn't even left town since she got here. You're all just delusional after hearing of the Institute finally being put to a stop. Y/N wouldn't even hurt a bloatfly, so I suggest you all go on about your business before you start accusing her of any other radical theories you've come up with."

The crowd dispersed after listening to his well-acknowledged words, leaving just you and the other synth. Before you knew it, you arms looped around Nick. You embraced him tightly, silently thanking him for coming to your rescue during the uncomfortable confrontation.

"Thanks for having my back, Nick." you pull away with a soft smile.

"Can't have them toss out the only other synth in this town, am I right?" he gleamed proudly. "Now, how about we get some noodles and head back to my office?"

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