Porter Gage

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Being the Overboss was more work than you'd like to admit. You kept everything in order and claimed to be alright at all times, for the sake of Gage not worrying about you every two seconds. When you finally had time to yourself after a long day of improving life for others, you never felt satisfied with just that. A constant void of loneliness surrounded you and you assumed there was no way to fill that.

"You doin' alright there, Boss?" Gage questions your stance from the couch, sipping on his beer. You stood at the open window of the Fizztop Grille and overlooked the entire park, but felt no glory in the accomplishment.

You nod slightly, "Just fine."

Gage's armor clinked as he forced himself off of the couch. He sets his beer on the bar counter and makes his way over to you, taking your side in overlooking everything. "It's amazing, all you've done."

"I didn't do it alone." you say with a smirk tied to your lips as you looked over the man, who accompanied you the whole time when at work. But then as you realized his company was strictly for work, a frown formed over your features and you turned away.

"Somethin's wrong, Boss. You can tell me." Gage claimed, giving you a reassuring smile.

"I don't know. I guess, just doing all of this and coming back to nothing, it gets kind of lonely." you muttered, "I work all day with you at my side, and there's purpose. When night time rolls around, I go back to my room and then there's nothing."

"What're you tryin' to say, Boss?" Gage shifted closer to you, somewhat picking up on what you were hinting. He wanted to hear you fully admit it, though.

You meet his green eyes, forcing a smile. "Things are just better when you're here with me. I think, I need it that way. Now, it's completely your decision, so I understand if you—"

Gage cuts you off by connecting his lips to yours. His hand moves to the small of your back, pulling you closer to him until your chests could touched. You put your hands on his shoulders, pulling away from the lasting kiss once out of breath and look to the man in pure shock.

"C'mon, Boss, don't act so surprised. I've been wantin' to do that since the day you killed a man with a squirt gun." he chuckled, pecking your lips once more.

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