Butch DeLoria

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You smash the last radroach attacking Misses DeLoria, wiping the end of your bat off on the bottom of your pants leg. She immediately deserts the scene, 'in need of a drink'. Butch stood in the doorway dumbfounded, clearly shocked how simply you handled the situation.

"There, she's safe. I– I have to go now." you tried to shove passed him, but Butch catches your forearm softly and spins you around. "Butch, I really need to leave before they find me here."

"I know, I just– Be safe out there, okay?" he shied down, shrugging off his jacket before putting it in your arms. "Keep that, as a sign or something. Just know that we'll meet again, doll."

"I never expected you to care about what happened to me." you mumble, pulling the leather jacket over you. For some odd reason, you felt more comfortable with Butch's scent wrapped around you and the obnoxious Tunnel Snakes logo presented proudly on your back.

Butch's brows furrow as he thought over your statement, shaking his head. "Of course I care about what happens to you, I lo—" he cuts himself off, meeting your eyes. "Y/N, I'll wait for you, doll. But I swear, if you don't come back—"

"That's impossible, considering I've killed many of the guards already. Butch, you know I can't come back... for a long time." you tell him sadly, taking your arm back from his hold and getting ready to leave again.

He nods, thinking over the last words he would say to you before you go. Butch didn't exactly know if this could be the last time he ever saw you again, but he couldn't say everything he needed to say to you in ten seconds. The young man released a soft groan before cupping your cheek in one hand and smashing his lips onto yours.

He pulls away sadly, looking into your glimmering eyes. "Don't fucking die out there, Y/N. I mean it. If I don't ever get to do that again..."

"Don't worry, DeLoria. I don't plan on dying any time soon." you smirk, confidently giving him a goodbye kiss on the cheek before you were set on your way to escape the vault.

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