Robert MacCready

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You never expected life to be so simple after so much war, however things were just perfect in your home. MacCready left right after you defeated the Institute to get his son from D.C. He didn't tell you that he was coming back when he left, but when he did, along with Duncan at his side, you couldn't be happier.

Months later, the three of you became the closest thing to a perfect family in the wastes. Your relationship with MacCready grew stronger, along with your bond with Duncan. Without deadly threats at your door or leadership duties calling your name, things were much more calming, and if you hadn't of known, you would have assumed life was just as it was back in 2077.

Returning back to your home in Sanctuary after a mission trip for the Minutemen is supposed to be the most refreshing feeling of your day, however there was a churning in your gut that made you feel otherwise. As you open the door, a mess is revealed among your floor. Shattered glass litters the floor and one splotch of blood held a place in the tattered rug.

"Mac?" You call out, "Duncan?" No response.

You inch further into the house and examine the mess along your way down the hall. There was a hole in the wall, resembling a punch mark. "Mac?"

"In here!" His voice was faint through the door of your room. You open it and meet his tired eyes, then your sight travels to the man tied up in a chair before him. "This assho— This guy, he tried to rob us and hurt Duncan."

"What the hell?" You were now fuming. He was a man of your own community, a supposedly peaceful settlement with no crime within its barriers. "Are you hurt? And where is Duncan?"

"I sent him next door while I figured out what to do with this guy. I was going to wait until you got home, because you always know what's best." He admits sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "And yeah, I'm fine. The blood isn't mine. I hope you don't mind that I smashed your wine bottle."

"I was never going to drink it anyway, at least you put it to use." You note as you study the giant cut on the unconscious man's forehead. "I'll let Preston know that this man is out of here. I won't let him live in the same place with you and Duncan."

"I know you won't." MacCready hesitates for a moment before moving in and taking you in his arms, he rests his chin on your shoulder as you wrap your arms around his waist. "It's a lot harder now, now that I know how much I have to lose if something were to happen."

"I know how you feel every time I step out of that gate. You and Duncan are what's most important to me, and I couldn't bear losing either of you." You tell him and move to kiss his cheek, "Now let's get this guy out of here, okay? It's movie night and I won't have anymore family time wasted."

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