Butch DeLoria

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AN/ I don't usually like putting author's notes at the beginning of stories, but I have to put this out there before my readers dive in. So I want to take a new approach to writing for my fallout babes and instead of using Y/N start using lone/sole, whatever the case for the story. I know this isn't much of a difference but I felt the need to let you all know if the writing seems very different from my other chapters. Also, this is a one shot I just put up on Tumblr but I decided that Wattpad deserved to have it too, so here you guys go!

Butch x fem!LW

He'd follow her through anything. She'd say "jump" and he would ask "how high?". That was the basis of their relationship. Through snarky comments and huffy reluctance, Butch grew fond of following Lone on all of her adventures in the wastes. More than that, he was touched that she chose him to tag along. Out of all of her choices he definitely wasn't the best fighter, probably not the smartest, nor the funniest, at least he thought so. In all honesty, he was never too sure why she even wanted him to follow her, but he wasn't going to turn her down.

Within the first few days of traveling together, they had already worked through their past hardships in the vault. She didn't expect an apology out of him and never asked for one, so it was definitely a shock when on the sixth day with her companion, Butch stopped her and let it all out. His flushed face as he poured out his apologies and feelings, releasing some of his trauma with his mother out on her, was more than enough to her to accept his apology, embrace him tightly, and move on. She didn't realize how much that comforting touch meant to him in the moment. Hell, Butch couldn't even recall if that was the very first time someone had given him a loving touch.

After that Butch would be more open to her, more friendly and even thought of her as his best friend, the only one he could trust. He was always weary around new people they met, always giving them attitude when she would be nice as ever to them. If he didn't love like her so much then he would have found this annoying of her, but it was just another quirk on the list of the many things he loved about her. She was always willing to help, volunteering their time, and she would always look over to him as she accepted every new quest and give him that damned smile. She knew he wouldn't ever back out no matter how many people she went out of her way for, or how many wrongs she felt the need to right herself, or even something as silly as how many bobbleheads she said were a dire need to collect. He was there for it all, yet that same thought in the back of his head always lingered, "she could bring along anyone she wanted to, but she chose me".

Now here he was, watching as she fumbled with the map on her Pipboy, gazing over the many marked locations of suspecting bobblehead locations. Her brows furrowed as she let out a defeated groan, "No! I missed this bobblehead, Butch! It's in ruins, we have to go find it." She cries out, as if someone had personally offended her by allowing her to miss the bobblehead in Raven Rock.

"Well if it's in ruins, then how are we gonna find it, doll?" He mimics her frantic tone to allude at how dramatic she was being over a bobblehead.

"If I have to search through the rubble myself, I will." She huffs and begins walking. She doesn't even wait ten seconds before stopping in her tracks and turning around to face him, only to bump right into his chest. "Geez! I didn't realize you were following me. Your steps are getting lighter."

"That's a good thing. I'm tired of ya bein' on my case for stomping too loud." He narrows his eyes and looks down at her doe-eyed expression. This was the face of someone he bickered with day-to-day, the face of someone he never thought he would follow so aimlessly, and the face of someone he had fallen so utterly in love with. "What'd ya turn around for, anyway? Thought we were headed to that rock."

"I just wanted to make sure that was alright with you first. I didn't think you would follow me immediately, but I knew eventually. So, I guess I'm just checking in with you." Her tone softens as she speaks this concern out to him.

She's always shown concern for him, so this wasn't anything new. It was just her tone that sounded new to him. To the soldiers she fought with she would always speak authoritatively and potent. To the people she helped on the daily, she would speak with a concerned, reassuring tone. To people that get on her nerves she uses that damned sarcastic, flat tone that he loves (with the exception that she would sometimes use it with him). Even to children she uses a different voice, one in a cooing manner that he finds a bit odd but loves it more because it's her. That tone she just used with him though, it was loving.

His eyes go wide as he struggles to come up with a smart response to her, suddenly feeling as if his entire vocabulary had left him. Then she puts her hand on his elbow, gently gaining his attention once again as she questions him, "Are you alright?"

"I guess- I just- I have a lot on my mind." He admits sheepishly.

"Well maybe we can talk-"

"No!" He cuts her off without thinking, mentally slapping himself in the face as he looks at her shocked face from his outburst. "I mean, you wouldn't get it."

"That doesn't mean that we can't talk about it. I can still comfort you, you know. I'm your friend." She tells him reassuringly, as she speaks her hand slowly moves down his forearm until his hand is in her clasp.

His eyes flicker down to her hand holding his and he swears under his breath. "I just don't think I'll ever be able to understand." He finally says after a moment of silence between them.

"Understand what?" She questions.

"You could have anyone, but you chose me. Don't get me wrong, girl, I love traveling with you and there's nowhere else on this damn Earth that I'd rather be than by your side, but I just don't understand why you let me be here." As if his feelings from first week of traveling together were coming out again, he closes his eyes of guilt and avoids her gaze. "After everything, I know you forgave me, but how can I ever forgive myself for what I put you through? And what I continue to put you though! I can't protect you like that ghoul friend of yours, he's badass!"

"So are you! Butch, clearly I'm not dragging you along for protection. You and I both know I'm more than capable." She sighs and takes his other hand in hers, "Butch, you should forgive yourself. If it weren't for you being a little asshole in the vault, I would've had no reason to learn how to fight. Can you imagine how I would be out here then? I'd probably be in some ditch rotting away by now."

He chuckles at her words but doesn't return his part of the conversation, prompting her to speak again. "There's no one else I'd rather have at my side besides you. I love you, Butch." At these four little words, his eyes shoot open and his mouth stands agape. She looks horrified from his reaction, feeling as if she had just ruined everything they built together by confessing her attraction.

It's not until he releases one of her hands and places his palm against her jaw, that she calms down. She was reading it wrong and she was more than thankful for that. With both of their feelings now on the table, she feels no regret to lean up and connect their lips in a slow, passionate kiss. Her free hand holds onto his bicep as their other hands remain entwined. When they finally part and look into each other's eyes, she can see the sheer amount of love he carries for her all behind his baby blues.

AN/ Yeah me again, sorry. I just wanted to say that I also plan on editing the hell out of this book. I've already done some cosmetic changes to make myself happy but I can't really be 100% proud of my work until it feels perfect to me. Sooo expect a lot of changes to the older chapters and newer ones, I kind of really like this style of writing better so I may change it all to fit this. And one more thing, the interactive stories are coming very soon. I have the most voted characters— Danse and Maxson —so I just have to start each of their stories and get them out there for you guys!

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