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"I mean, c'mon, how the hell do you expect to survive if you can't even use a damn gun." The suited man complained, again, but this time about your lack of skill for the weapons.

"Well, sorry. Not all of us are conmen who have to shoot their way out of every problem." You replied, causing him to roll his eyes and walk to the other side of the safe room.

The lady, Rochelle, and the bigger man, Coach, both stayed out of the argument. However, the southern fella, Ellis, he couldn't help but to interfere as he only wished for everyone to get along and have a good time like himself. How he managed to keep a smile on his face throughout all of this craziness, you still couldn't find an answer for.

"Hey, uh, Y/N..." He begins, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, "Nick's kind of an ass 'bout all that, but if ye' ever need someone ta' teach ye' how ta' use a gun, I'm your man." Ellis offered you a wide grin, showing off his white and slightly crooked smile, which brings a smile to your own face.

"How about now? There's some zombies outside. We could just shoot them through the bars on the door." You shrug out the idea, which he would of course agree with because he was excited to teach you something new.

"Hey, don't waste too much of our ammo, kids." Coach spoke up, his relaxed tone settling as he laid back in a recliner chair, ready to doze off for the night.

"Ellis mumbled out something you couldn't quite hear and walked towards the ammo and mods, attaching a silencer onto his sniper rifle. He comes back to you and holds out the gun for you to take. You hold it in your grasp and prop it up on the door in between two of the bars.

Ellis immediately stops you, "You gotta hold it, 'else you're gonna hurt ye' wrist real bad."

You do as told, picking up the weapon from it's propped position and aiming it how you used to see in the pre-apocalypse movies. Ellis lets out a light chuckle, watching you fumble to get situated with it.

He snakes his hands around you, causing a shiver up your spine and heat to your cheeks. "Lem' help you with that." His hands fall over your own, adjusting them how they should be. "A'ight, now take the safety off and pull the trigger."

You do as told, grimacing at the slight recoil dealt onto your shoulder, but then a smile takes a broad position on your face as you realized that you hit one of the wandering zombies. You turn to face Ellis with a goofy grin, to which he returned.

"Look 'a that! You're a natural." He congratulated you on your shot. You take him by surprise, putting the weapon leaned against the wall and then wrapping him in an embrace. "Oh," He says, wide-eyed, but wraps his arms around you as well.

Ellis knew he would get hell from Nick the next day about his red face and flustered expression caused by this, but he didn't mind that thought as he held you close to him.

"That was fun, let's do it again!"

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now