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You couldn't help but to notice all of the eyes in the room were on you. None of the men peaked your interest, until your eyes met with the deep brown orbs of a beautiful man in a checkered suit. He held a bubbly drink in one hand, his other tucked away in his pocket, while he eyed you up and down.

The black dress you wore hugged every curve perfectly, and that man surely noticed it and immediately lusted after knowing who you were and being the only man, of all the heads that turned, that you gave your certified attention to. He kept his longing gaze on you while he muttered something to a man beside him, handing over the drink and getting off of the wall he was leaned up against.

He approached you confidently, smirking to the men who were sending him daggers through their glare. "Hey baby, what's a figure like you doin' in this part of town? Did you come here alone?" he wondered of any man that held the honor of being with you.

"I'm not with anyone tonight." you answered him, grinning slightly as he moved in closer.

"The name's Benny, doll. A woman like yourself knows exactly what she wants, and I wouldn't doubt that any other man in this building lacks what it is, baby." he claimed proudly, thriving on his own ego as he chatted you up.

"Y/N, and what makes you so sure of that?" you challenged him.

The man was a stranger but the more he talked, the more interested you were into finding out what he was capable of other than smooth talking. He grinned wide, showing off his perfect smile.

"Well, I'd like to see what you can do. I wanna see the way you move for me, baby." he replied calmly, wanting to know more about you now.

"For you?" you raised a brow teasingly.

The man shrugged, smirk growing as you gained more interest in the conversation by the minute. "Yeah baby, who else you doin' it for? I wanna see how you move in that little black dress of yours."

"This music is too soft, baby."

Benny nodded in agreement, "Then, what's your favorite song?"

You laugh softly at his continuous attempts to please or impress you, but you simply wanted none of that. "How about you just take me home?"

"I'd like that very much, beautiful."

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now