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That checkered suit rat. Your blood boiled as you rounded the corner of the halls in The Tops casino. Anyone smart enough immediately stepped out of your way, however a man in a dark blue suit stepped directly in front of your path after realizing you were coming for his boss.

"Woah there, baby, slow your roll. If you're trying to see the boss, you'd better calm your temper and come back another time." he dragged on his accent, looking over his shoulder to the other guards that surrounded Benny.

"I don't know how much Benny pays you, but is it really worth your life?" you spoke in a low, professional tone.

The man's brows furrowed as he thought over your statement, "Ay, are you threatening me, baby? 'Cause that ain't cool, and I'm the one with the arms here."

"I can do much more damage than your tiny pistol or any of the stray bullets your buddies shoot at me. But assuming you wouldn't want to find out that way, I suggest you step out of my way." you reply, him immediately moving aside and leaning against the wall.

You stride up to Benny, him turning around and meeting you with a chaotic smirk. "Awh, what's wrong, baby? I've made you mad, pussycat?" he chuckled lowly, shooing off his guards so he could talk to you in private.

"Well, were you trying to get me killed? That package was a fake! You knew it all along!" you accuse of him. By the way his smirk faltered and his face softened, you could tell the man actually had no clue. "Oh my God, you... you didn't know? Ben, there were thugs everywhere and I— I was lucky to even make it out."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. Any way I could make it up to you, baby?" he asked softly, offering a lit cigar.

You take the cigar from his hold and take a long drag of it, nodding. "I could think of a few things."

Benny's signature smirk appeared amongst his prominent features again as he moved in closer to you. His lips grazed by your ear, while his fingers wrapped around the cigar. "Let the Ben-Man show you how he can make up for this... mess, somewhere else." he whispered in your ear, while trading the cigar in your hand for his suite keys.

Once he pulls away, Benny sends a wink your way and continues on the path to his room. You give the keys in your hand a good look before following after the man for a round of some good hey-hey.

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now