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"Can you hand me that wrench there?" Sturges requested, blindly paying attention to the tool you passed him. His attention was solely fixed on the motorcycle which he was determined to make run again.

"You must work out a lot, when you're not working on these cool projects, that is." you say with a smug look twisted over your features.

Sturges pauses for a moment, feeling his cheeks warm up, but he continued on working so you wouldn't notice him becoming flustered. "Why do you say that, miss Y/N?" he hummed out, nodding his head to the screws he needed next.

You pick up a handful of the parts and pass them over to the man, "Oh, nothing. You're just very well built, is all. Maybe it is all of this hard work, huh?" you let out a small laugh, watching as the mechanic's cheeks turned a slight pink shade. "And being out in the sun is doing wonders for your skin. You're glowing, babe."

Sturges didn't understand why the simple pet name or your compliments were making him nervous. He didn't dare to meet your eyes, but wasn't able to hide the blush any longer. "I, uh— Thank you?" he said in more of a questiong tone, somewhat questioning himself as to why it was a big deal.

"Here," you say as you passed him the screwdriver without him saying so. He turned to face you, a large grin coming over your face as you saw his very expression. "You look nervous, hon. Everything alright?"

Sturges reaches to take the tool, your hands touching when he does so. He allows his touch to linger there, speechless to your question but he knew that he would have to admit the strange feeling built up inside of him.

"Look, I ain't really used to this stuff, but I'll just say it anyway." Sturges breathed out, watching your expression shift to curiosity. "I been hidin' my feelings for you for a while, but now it's evident that I can't hide it no more. Even if you were just kiddin' around then, I still feel very into you. I'd like to develop a..."

"A relationship, perhaps?" you help him out, giving his hand a squeeze. He nods, showing off a bright smile. "I would like that, very much."

"Hopefully I can get this piece workin', so I can take my girl out on the test run." Sturges chuckled at his own statement, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now