Warren Graham

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"Hey, Y/N!" Justin called after you, running to catch up. At the same time, Warren approaches you and happily kissed your cheek as a greeting. Justin eyes up Warren for a second and then nods to you, "I'll catch you on the pipes later, then?"

"Yeah, totally." You agree, taking Warren's hand in your own. Justin walks away, leaving the two of you by yourselves at your locker. "So, how would you like to catch a movie tonight? There's this really cool slasher movie out now, and I'm dying to see it."

"Woah, was that really Y/N making a pun? I must be in another reality." Warren teased, earning a shove from you. He pulled you closer and wrapped an arm around your waist as the two of you walked towards the school exit.

People watched with hateful glances, boys especially. No one liked your relationship or they just thought it was completely out of the ordinary. You were beautiful and cool, a skater chick with style. And Warren was just a geek with a cheesy sense of humor, that could annoy anyone as quick as it could amuse you.

"I wonder if she's insecure or her standards are just that low." Victoria made fun of the two of you as you passed by. Warren looked as if he wanted to say something, but you placed a hand on his chest and somehow instantly calmed him.

The guys gave him threatening looks as you went to open the door. He was always worried you would leave him for those same guys— but you absolutely despised them, especially since they look at Warren with such hatred. He was too caught up in matching their stare, so you grabbed his hand to pull him out of the building with you.

"C'mon slowpoke, we're going to miss happy hour at Two Whales!" You carried on cheerfully, though Warren's frown made you stop. "Don't tell me they're actually getting to you? Warren, you know I care about you and they don't matter to me."

"But they matter to me, Y/N. I don't know why, but I just— I just feel like you could find so much better than me." He finally admitted his painful truth, not daring to meet your eyes.

You put your hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at you. "Hey, I love you."

"You wha—" You cut him off by placing your lips onto his, not caring who was around to see or judge. When you pulled away, Warren was a blushing mess. "I– I–"

"I know." You laugh, taking his hand again and carrying on with your walk. "Now, come on, I want a milkshake."

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