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You walked across the bridge, into a neighborhood called Sanctuary. This was the place Zeke sent you to, referring to a 'friend that can fix or find the parts for anything'. The man you were looking for went by the name Sturges. As your mission was going to be to find him here and ask for the the parts up front, you stopped to admire a freshly painted suit of power armor.

"You like it?" a deep southern accent breaks you out of your trance, causing you to look to the man in overalls. He had a grin on his face, proud of his work that you took a liking to.

"Yeah, actually. You wouldn't happen to have any more of that color, would you?" you asked.

"Yep, I sure do." he walked over to the suit, you following behind him and still focusing on the rare armor.

You then remember that you didn't come here for paint only, needing to find the right parts that would get your power armor the way you wanted. "I was wondering if you could spare any parts? You're... Sturges, right?"

"I am, and what kind of parts are you looking for exactly?" he hummed, picking up three containers of paint and setting them on a metal table.

"Was hoping to make a jet pack to go on my back. As ridiculous as it sounds, could you imagine how much easier traveling will be?"

The man lets out a low chuckle, turning his head to look in your direction. He admired your ambitious behavior and delicate tone, as well as your admirable features that only complimented you further. Sturges found himself staring a bit longer than intended.

He awkwardly scratched his stubbly chin as he studied your features, seemingly getting known to your face as he was silently hoping you would come back to visit more often. A thought roams his mind where he could give you a reason to come back, perhaps like right now he only had one piece of what you were looking for.

Sturges then began to doubt the thought, believing it to be completely ridiculous. You could find the other pieces somewhere else in the Commonwealth if you wanted to, so there wouldn't be a reason for you to come back even if he held out on what you needed. He mustered up the courage to actually tell you his current thoughts.

As the man passed you a can of the paint he used before, he spoke up, "Look, I know it's really short on timin', but you don't get many chances to ask someone as beautiful as you out on a date." he blurts, shocking you.

A deep blush carries over your cheeks and you nod, "A date, then? That sounds lovely, actually."

He shows off a wide grin, "Alright! Now, you're goin' to need someone to help carry back all them parts. Care for any company on the road?"

Though only just meeting Sturges, you felt strangely comfortable in his presence and with him at your side, you would feel more protected. You nod, "I'd love your company."

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now