Javier García

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Everyday he went on for them. Mariana, Gabriel, and Kate, they needed him. But at times, it was obvious Javier wasn't actually there. His mind blanks out for minutes at a time, where all he can think about is his lost fiancé. You left with David and his mother when the apocalypse mess first started, and since then, he's seen none of you. Javier felt so much loss and despair, but he put on a brave face for the three people that needed him now.

They pulled into the scrapyard to try and siphon gas for their van, then leave on the road again. For as long as they've been out, he had hoped that someday they would run into each other and he could finally see his beloved again. But the chances of that happening were slim to none. He had to think practically.

Hours later, they had the gas needed and were ready to get on the road again. The kids wanted to spend the night there. They were tired of traveling. All of them were. But Javier knew the risks and agreed with Kate, moving on. It took a turn for the worse, however, when three men showed up armed with assault rifles.

Javier did what he had to do to protect what was left of his family, and that was where he landed himself now. Traveling with the teenage girl who had saved him from one of the men, after being knocked unconscious and taken away from his family. He had no clue where he was and all he wanted was to get back to them, but this girl had other plans first, and led him to a town. Prescott.

He was truly in awe since the moment they walked through the gates. Clementine, the girl, walked off, leaving him to his own thoughts. They had working electricity, lights everywhere, a functioning society. He wondered if there was hot water here, too. This would be a perfect place for the family to finally settle down and be safe.

"Javier, is it— is it really you?" He remembered that voice so clearly. How could he ever forget it?

Javier turns around, faced with his fiancé, who he believed to be dead. But you were very much alive, standing in front of him with tears brimming your eyes and an unbelieving smile on your perfect face. He wastes no time, running towards the love of his life and scooping you into his arms.

"Oh, Y/N— I've missed you so, so much. I thought about you everyday." He admits, pressing his lips to yours quickly, missing that feeling more than anything. Once your kiss was separated, he rests his forehead against yours and gazes into your eyes. "I'll never stop loving you, darling. And I won't lose you again."

"I love you, Javi." With that, the two of you were reunited once again. Your love never died and you instantly connected again. He adored you so much, and since that reconnection, Javier vowed to never lose each other again.

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