Zeke [𝗡𝗦𝗙𝗪]

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Zeke was beyond impressed when you told him about that old convertible you've fixed up. He immediately wanted to see it for himself. Not too far from the garage, you had it parked. The old-fashioned, baby blue ride was an absolute beauty. He was stunned at first, then excited and jumped in the driver's seat. You follow in pursuit, situating yourself in the passenger seat and ogling at the man, tapping all of the buttons like a curious child.

"This is the best damn thing I've ever seen! I could kiss you right now, Y/N!" He exclaimed, looking over at you with a smirk and a slight blush.

"Then, kiss me." You spoke full of confidence, a bit stunned when he actually leaned over and pressed his soft lips to yours. You put a hand on his jaw, pulling away before the kiss got too heated. He was about to protest until you spoke up again, "Lean your seat back."

His raised his brows, surprised, then smirked. "I like your style, little lady." He murmured as he reached in between the seat and the door, tugging at the rustic handle and releasing his seat back. He laid down comfortably and awaited your plan, excited overall.

You swing one leg over him and situate yourself in his lap. Zeke grinned, wasting no time to pull off his loose tee shirt, exposing his perfect form. You follow his lead, taking your own off and tossing it in the empty passenger seat where you previously sat. His hands go to your bare waist, squeezing your skin lightly as he groaned to himself and bit his bottom lip.

"You're so damn hot, baby." He muttered, a little too eager for the act that was about to take place in that driver's seat.

"Flatterer." You teased, unbuttoning his dark jeans. He pulled them down and kicked them off, then grabbing the hem of your jeans and tugging them down without touching the buttons or zipper.

"Why didn't we do this sooner?" He moaned at the sight of you, barely clothed and above him looking so heavenly. Zeke was in complete awe, adoring you.

You lean down, connecting your lips with his then pulled away with a smirk. "Nothing's happened yet, baby. Don't get too excited."

"It's too late for that." He chuckled, looking down to his hardened bulge pressing against you. Zeke licked his lips as he watched you reach behind your back, unclasping your bra and letting the straps cascade down your shoulders gracefully. He took it among himself to pull it off the rest of the way, setting it carefully in the other seat without taking his eyes off of you. "Holy, hot damn..."

"Staring." You mumbled, calling him out. His eyes flickered up to yours, the smirk not once leaving his face. One of his hands travel from you hip to below your breast, squeezing it gently.

"Can you blame me?" He asked rhetorically, grinning to himself as if he had won a prize. His other moves to copy the actions of his first, palming your breasts lightly. "You're mine." Zeke said simply, gazing into your eyes.

"I thought we already established this with the hickies from last time." You joked, putting a hand on his chest as you grind against him, gaining a groan from the man in response.

"I'm just letting you know, doll. You're all mine. Ain't no one else ever gonna touch you like this, no one's gonna make you as feel good as I can." He spoke confidently, marking his place with you once and for all. Zeke was serious about this, but not once mentioned his love rather than desire, though it was clearly there.

"I know, baby." You tell him simply, reaching down and taking his bulge in your grasp. His breath hitched as you began to palm him through his tight boxers.

Sweat beads form among his hairline as the air got thicker. Whether it be the building tension in the automobile the two of you were causing, or the summer heat outside of it, he was reacting well. His skin glistened as Zeke showed off his muscles proudly, hoping to arouse you more and speed up the act. It did so in such a way, you pushed his boxers down his thighs. He tugged your panties down, allowing you to kick them off before you situated yourself against him hard member.

He takes two fingers and toys with you first, dragging them along your folds until he found your entrance. Zeke teasingly pressed the pads of his fingers against it before pushing them inside of you, creating a steady pace. You work against his hand and fall into his rhythm.

"Don't get too worked up now, doll. You gotta wait for me." He murmured against your chest, leaving a wet kiss to your skin after. When your moans grew louder, he drew his fingers back, watching you whine at the loss as he licked them clean.

Zeke rubs his tip against your begging entrance, using his free hand to hold your face and kiss your lips gently. He thrusts inside slowly, making you moan into the kiss much to his own delight. Both of his hands then go to your hips, keeping a tight grip on you while you rode him. "Fuck..." he muttered, short of breath.

He helps by thrusting his hips upwards, adding a pleasuring feeling as he hit a certain spot that made your toes curl. You continued moaning his name and any swear you could think of while his pace quickened and became more rough. "Zeke, oh God, I'm close!" You told him, holding his shoulders and baring your nails into his skin, which only brought him closer to the edge.

"Cum, baby doll." He demanded, his dark gaze looming over you as you released onto him. Not a moment later, he came, pulling out and panting roughly. "Fuck, you're amazing."

You lean down and kiss his lips once more, moving out of his lap. A loud honk scares the both of you, only for you to realize you accidentally moved against the car horn. Zeke chuckled, smirking at you. "Trying to call more attention to us, huh?" He teased.

"In your dreams, greaser."

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now