Paladin Danse

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Nick and Nora walked ahead of you by few feet, talking of their current mission. Nora looked back to make sure you were still there, flashing you a small smile when she met your eyes. You nod back, not saying a word, as usual. Your travel group was made up of an extraordinary woman and a very intelligent synth. Nora insisted you come with them, however, for your brilliant skills.

Perhaps, it was the fact that two of you shared the same mindset for the world. She adored your peaceful views and invited you to be a part of the Minutemen with her numerous times. You agreed finally, not really wanting to be a part of anything, but they were good people and you didn't want to pass that up.

Nora fiddled with her pip-boy radio, listening into an emergency broadcast emitting from Cambridge. "Huh, weird." She said mainly to herself, "I passed that police station on my way to Diamond City and I never picked up on this signal."

"Well, we should head in and see what the problem is. Be aware, in case these people aren't so friendly." Nick alarmed the two of you, stalking towards an alleyway that led to the police station. Nora went ahead of him and you lagged behind until you heard the commotion and gunshots, rushing forward so your friends wouldn't get hurt.

Another place overrun by ghouls in the area, though Brotherhood soldiers seemed to be trying to hold them back. You take out your rifle, firing a few shots and taking down some of the ghouls. In no time, the threat was eliminated with everyone's efforts. Then, another issue was brought to light when one of the soldiers spoke up.

"A synth!" The injured one shouted in an angered tone, though he had no real reason to be mad at Nick.

"Why are you civilians traveling with this abomination?" The one in power armor questioned yours and Nora's preferences of having Nick as a companion.

"What do you—"

You cut Nora off, "Abomination? My friend is not an abomination! He's been helping her find her missing son for the passed three weeks straight. Constantly, he helps the people of the Commonwealth with their issues. And frankly, I'm tired of the looks he's been given or the nasty things people like you have to say to him!"

Both of your companions were stunned because that's the most they've ever heard you say before. As for the Brotherhood solider, he looked unconvinced. He was taught a different manner of synths, though you held so much passion for Nick, he couldn't believe that a person would stick up for a machine like that and they weren't an insane Railroad agent.

"The Brotherhood does not condone synthetic beings." Was all he said.

You shake your head in disbelief, "You can't reject the fact that he just saved you and your team."

"Paladin, sir, she's right. If not for their arrival, Knight Rhys might have been put in critical condition from this attack." The woman spoke for the first time, giving the Paladin something more to think about.

He nods, "Scribe Haylen, move Rhys into the station and get him properly patched up." She responded with a quick 'yes sir', then did as he ordered. The Paladin turned to the group of three awaiting his next reply. "Okay."

"Okay?" Nora questioned, confused. She gave you a look, you only shrugged, just as confused.

"He hasn't tried to kill us yet, so I guess... he's okay." It looked as if it hurt the solider to admit that, but you could only smile at him.

"Well, that's one step closer for you to become an actual person instead of that rock of solider."

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now