Porter Gage

763 39 6

He worked relentlessly on Overboss Colter's power armor, while the lazy bastard just sat on the couch and sipped on another beer. "Say uh, that Y/N, she's got one helluva figure, eh?" Colter chuckled, watching Gage stiff up at the mention of your name. "I mean, I never paid the gal much attention until some Pack guy pointed out that banging bod. Oh man, what I'd like to do to—"

"Who?" Gage cut him off, keeping a moderate tone so Colter wouldn't get suspicious of his questioning.

"Who, what?"

"Who pointed her out?" Gage asked once again, putting away the tools slowly.

"I dunno, I think his name was Kev or something weird like that." Colter shrugged, uninterested of the guy but moreso the topic of you. "Have you seen her Gage?"

He doesn't answer, instead gets on the lift to go down into Pack territory. Gage storms off instantly once it reaches the ground. People got out of his way as he passed, visibly seeing how angry the man was. He opened the gates, locking eyes with Mason from his throne. The Pack leader stared for a moment, gave him a simple nod, then went back to whatever he was focused on before.

The search for Kev doesn't take long at all. Gage reaches him in no time, pulling the colorful bastard down from his perched spot of the bleachers. He sends two punches to the guy before Kev is up and fighting back. A crowd forms instantly, cheering as the two men threw punches back and forth. Finally, a whistle calls out and everyone makes a clearing for you to come through.

You step ahead, dressed head to toe in your Operators getup, earning some dirty glances. You were only welcome in Pack territory because you saved Mason's life before and he adored and protected you like you were his family. They respected you because you saved many of their lives, by calling off plenty of pointless gang wars.

"What is going on?" You ask, breaking the two guys apart, looking at Gage with much concern for his safety.

"Gage just came up behind me and started attacking me! I don't know what the hell's wrong with this guy." Kev complained, holding his bloodied nose as if it didn't even bother him.

"He was talking about you and I didn't like it." Gage said simply, in a calm tone, however it sounded more threatening that way as he only glared at Kev while he said it. Kev now looked embarrassed, being called out.

"Well, I didn't— I just—" You roll your eyes at him, turning your back on Kev and taking Gage by his arm.

"C'mon, let's go patch you up." You tell him softly, walking towards a more remote area out of any gang territories. Once far from everyone, you sat Gage down and pressed a cloth to his bloody cheek. "Was it worth it?"

He let out a dry chuckle, meeting your eyes. "Definitely. You should'a seen the surprise on that asshole's face when I pulled him down."

"I can only imagine. But you know that's not what I meant." You smirk, cleaning his face off which was covered in dirt and grime. When his face was clear, you could actually make out many of his handsome features and found yourself studying his face longer than intended.

"You know I don't like when guys talk about you and... your body. It's not right, doll." He propped an elbow up on the table he sat at and leaned back. You sit beside him and meet his eyes, waiting for him to continue with the explanation. "I like you and it doesn't feel right to hear them saying stuff like that about you, especially when I'm around and you're not."

"I like you too, Gage. And you don't have to worry about them." You kiss his cheek softly and watch the smile on his face grow larger. "Just please, stop getting yourself in trouble."

"Yes ma'am."

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