02| Fight and Packing

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V I C T O R I A' S  P O V

"BITCH SO YOU'RE SAYING I have to stay a week in Italy?!" I exclaimed at my so called best fucking friend.

"Yes but don't worry it's not bad, bae if you want to find out why Noah was a bitch and still is then yes you have to but not only that you should also grow out your name in Italy." Chris replied, calm and collected.

"No—" before I can finish my sentence he interrupted me, "fine not my fault do whatever you want... please Victoria I'll stay with you actually I was going to stay either way because I have a business meeting but I want you to stay with me too and you can do so much!" He explained. "—I hate you but fine only because I'm going to participate in a lot of fights if you know what I mean." I smirked.

To be honest it wasn't a big deal that I should stay in Italy for a week because I don't mind, I get to put my name higher in the illegal world and I get to explore Italy, what's not the stay for?

So I don't mind and I've agreed.

"Great I knew you would agree, anyway start packing and I have to go because I have a meeting to go to." He said while checking his shiny watch. Getting up from the sofa he was seated on I started speaking.

"Alright also I have a fight—" again before I can finish my fucking sentence he interrupted me. "—don't worry I know I'll come as a bodyguard like you do for me." Ah, he knows me so well.

"Ok goodbye." I replied like I always do. He kissed the top of my head as a sign of bye and left my apartment. Fun fact Chris is 6'0 feet tall, and I'm 5'4 feet tall. So almost lot's of people are taller then me but that's ok I can still kick ass.


It's currently 6:50 pm and I've finished packing my suitcase, all that's left now is my two duffel bags and I'll be done. Since we are leaving tomorrow night I have enough time to pack my other stuff soon.

I have a fight at a illegal fight club at 11:00 pm. I am excited as fuck because fighting gives me fulfilment of everything. I really can't wait to see what's going to happen.

Soon after it's about time and I decided to wear a black baggy hoodie over my black sports bra and for pants I wore black leggings, once I reach the club I'll remove my hoodie because it's not good to fight in baggy clothes, it's a weak spot and the opponent can drag you. So when I fight I'll wear a black sports bra and black leggings.

Anyway I closed my door to the apartment and actually locked it before going down to the basement from the stairs.

I decided to take my Ducati V4S because it's fast enough for me to reach on time to the fight and back.

I slung the duffel bag over my shoulder wore my helmet and kicked my leg over the Ducati and left.

Once I reached the illegal fighting club, I took off my helmet placed it on top the Ducati and walked inside.

I went towards the metal doors that has two guards.

"Name?" The talk guard asked with a gruff voice.
"Dark Angel." I replied with a poker face.

Once I said my name the guard immediately stood straight and let me in. Let's just say I'm known in the illegal world but for the underground I'm known as not losing so people in the underground fear me but they don't know about my assassin side.

I went to the change room and took off my hoodie. I also tied up my hair in to a bun because leaving long hair opened can get you dragged as well. I wrapped both my hands and put my bag down prior to leaving the room to go and wait for my name to be called.

As I was going to stand close the bars I saw Chris and he immediately came to me. "Hi Victoria !" He said, grinning. "Hey Chris thanks for coming." I said.

Whenever one of us has a fight we go to each other's for support and for 'bodyguard' just in case one of us gets attacked. So I'm glad he's here not that I can't take care of myself but because I have a few basic enemies especially that I show my face here so you never know.

A girls gotta stay safe. Duh!

"No problem!" As he was going to say something else my name got called. "Ok good luck and this person you are fighting has the weak spot on his ribs! Alright you got this like always." He said and kissed me on top of my head. I thanked him and left to go to the ring.

Once I entered people where cheering and others where quiet. Probably still thinking I'd lose. Please I think the fuck not.

"Today's fight is against the Dark Angel and Spencer the Killer!" The announcer yelled.

Psht Spencer the killer? Yeah he's a goner. Like what even is that name?

"I'm not fighting a tiny girl next!" Spencer said. Once he said that the whole place got quite. I don't blame them this has happened before. Last time I almost killed the person and I'd do it again.

"Why are you sacred you'd lose you sexist prick!" I questioned loudly.

He started laughing, full blown laughing.

"It's on you, you have a death wish babe." And with that he got in a fighting stance.

Oh good luck to him. If he thinks he's winning he has another thing coming. The whole place was still quiet.

I remember Chris said his weak spot is the ribs.. hmm.. Before fighting I looked over him to see what else is his weak spot.

Nothing else but except he was putting more pressure on his left leg, that means I got for the right leg and ribs. Alright perfect this is going to be easy.

Rule number one never swing first, his mistake because he tried punching my face. Is this bitch for real?

I mentally laughed, let's play.

He came to swing at me again but I dodged by capturing his left hand and twisting it so I went behind him with his left arm still twisted. He still had his right hand free so before he can do anything else I winged my left leg back and hit his ribs so he would fall, to my match he did fall I got on top of him and stared punching him in the face but mostly ribs. Finally I uppercut his face and stood up.

He tried getting up but a punch to his ribs he fell. People started counting and up to five he didn't get up meaning I won. The guards took him to help him and the announcer came to me.

"And the winner like usual is Dark Angel!"
He yelled happily. The crowd started cheering.

I kept my face 'secret' with no emotions.

I would smile but no, so I left the ring and went to the change room. I changed back in to my clothes and left the change room to go to Chris.

"Victoria I'm never shocked with you!" Chris came and hugged me.

I chuckled, "thank you let me go collect my money and we'll leave."

I went to the owner and collected my money, which was $20.000 cash. I thanked him and left with Chris.

Me and Chris said our goodbyes and how he would pick me up tomorrow night to go to Italy.

I left home and packed the rest of my stuff.


Hello my loves thanks for reading!


See you in the next one 💕


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