69| Another Step Closer

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V I C T O R I A'  S  P O V


"It's nice meeting you again." I throw him a fake smile.

He nods and sips on his whiskey.

"I can't say the feelings are mutual but continue." I inwardly scoff at his words but keep the smile on.

"How's Rebecca doing? I do miss her entertaining self." I ask trying to side track.

Currently me and Mason are in one of the most famous clubs in Italy. I know behind me there are dancers and strippers that Mason asked for.

I got Mason to meet me after I found out hi knows Igor and it seemed as he knows Igor very well.

Though I am only assuming this because it was just photos I've seen, but from those photos I've seen it did seem like Mason and Igor are best friends, anyone can tell.

I hope Mason doesn't know that I know Igor but if they're best friends then wouldn't that mean Igor would shit talk about me? Especially that I shot him.

"Are you calling my wife weird in some way?" He asks while raising an eyebrow and sipping on his neat.

I lowly chuckle, "you know I'm not, Mason."

"She's doing fine, always blabbers about you." He smirks.

I put my hands in front of me, on the table.

"How sweet, maybe we should put a date for me and her?" I question.

"She doesn't swing that way." He answers while leaning back.

I suppress a grin. "I'm not saying that Mason, come on I thought you are smarter than this."

"I meant to say is me and her should hang out once in a while, it's good to have friends, isn't it?" I raise my eyebrows as a questioning manner.

He nods his head, "depends." "There's some good some bad and I mean in this part of shit, I'm not sure if you can find anyone genuine."

That's the most I've heard him talk since we've sat here.

"How deep, ever thought about becoming a public speaker?" I ask him sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes, "don't."

I know that hit a deep spot in him.

Of course I've done my research and I know what his weakness is. It's easy to know anything about some.

Before joining anything illegal, Mason was always one for public speaking. Whatever it was as long as it was in front of a crowd and talking about something he enjoyed, he would do it. He liked the rush it gave him.

But that's until he found a new sort of rush that he gets but this time it was forced upon him to which he does not talk much about.

"Huh? Why? I'm asking asking a question." I play dumb.

"I'm sure you would've been an amazing public speaker." I smile.

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