51| Annoying Problems

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M A T T E O' S  P O V

THE SILENCE IN THIS CAR is astronomical.

As Diego is driving everyone is quiet, not saying that Diego isn't because he is too.

Both Samuel and Diego keep glancing at Victoria and I feel her blood on me which makes me look away in anger.

"Wait, Matteo. Are you sure you brought out the right girl?" Diego said awkwardly while glancing at me.

I look down at Victoria and see that she looks completely different but I notice this is still her.

"Wait! That isn't Victoria." Samuel said immediately whipping his head back to see us.

"It is you idiotis." I sighed wanting to smack the back of their heads but didn't as Victoria is laying on my lap.

"How it doesn't look anything like her!" He scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

The makeup she wore has melted but in a way that no one knows, her hair is a wig because the pins are slowly coming off.

I explained to them how it's her and they nodded in understanding.

"Wait where are we going again?" Diego asks sheepishly while using one hand to scratch the back of his head.

"Oh la mia vita!" Is he for real right now?

"Matteo's parents house, they will call their personal doctor from there." Samuel decided to answer his brother.

"Oh right, well I'm heading that way anyway." Diego told us and spoke up again, "oh also Samuel go call our parents and inform them to really head to Matteo's parents house."

Samuel grunted and picked up his phone while calling his dad, "Papá, nos dirigimos a la casa de los padres de Matteo, así que encuéntranos allí e infórmale a Juan que llame a su médico de familia."

Samuel spoke in Spanish this time, and I understand all words from it.

Since Samuel had it on speaker we hear Roland speaking back to his son in Spanish.

"Oh, está bien, no te preocupes, también iremos allí. Cuida de Victoria y Juan está llamando a su médico ahora mismo, adiós." Roland's deep voice simply spoke back.

Samuel mutters a goodbye and ends the call.

"Perfect, hopefully Victoria wakes up soon." Diego shrugs with worry in his eyes.

The blood covering Victoria is all over me, I don't assume she is losing blood, for no reason, but I do assume that this blood was recent and it's now all over.

I don't mind that her blood is all over me, hell it can be covering all of the car, I just hope she will be okay.

After an hour or so we finally made it to my parents house, I must say, I have to give credit to Diego's speeding.

I waited until Samuel got out of the car to carry Victoria so I can get out and Victoria back.

"Oh bloody hell, I can't believe Igor did this!" Luciana yelled while gasping.

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