55| Fucking Kill Him

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M A T T E O'  S  P O V

TRUST ME WHEN I SAY life's fucking stressful.

So much shit to do and go, babies are truly really lucky.

But then again, babies are only lucky at a certain period of time, but when they grow up it's not so lucky anymore.

Okay I'm lying, this really does depend on the family and everything. But at the end of the day I'd rather not be an adult right now.

Unconsciously I realized I've been petting Victoria's hair as she slept in my arms.

After what happened in the shower let's just say we're both exhausted.

I've had enough rest though now it's Victoria who is resting from everything.

Pecking the side of her head continuously, I waited for her to wake up since it's ten in the morning.

"Good morning Matteo." She mumbled and pushed herself more into me.

I gladly accepted her comfort and wish her a good morning.

"It's raining outside." Victoria says the truth with a disgusted face.

"Why the face? Do you not like the rain?" I ask while raising my eyebrow.

"I do but I don't, like rains rain." She shrugs and continues, "why I like it is pretty obvious but why I sort of hate it is because of how gloomy places get."

I hum while playing with a strand of her hair, "I understand, love."

She nods before turning so she's laying on her stomach.

"I already know I got my fucking period." She sighs and looks at the blood stained sheets.

Slowly leaning against the headboard while getting up, I speak up.

"Do you want to use the bathroom quickly to clean up while I remove the sheets and put new ones for us to rest on?" I ask her and mentally plan the quick trip I'll run.

She blushes in embarrassment, "I'm so sorry, this is so embarrassing. I'll remove the sheets and put clean ones."

I sigh shaking my head and pulling her close to me. "don't be sorry, baby, periods are completely normal and before everything else, I'll go prepare you a bath, stay here."

She nods slowly and I get out of the bed.

I hate society for making it seem as females having periods aren't good and aren't pretty. It's not like they can control it, periods are very normal and nothing to be ashamed about.

If men—actually scratch that—if boys make fun of girls getting their periods then that's embarrassing for the little scrawny guys.

Finally after finishing the warm bath with pink flower shaped bath bombs, I let the air receive vanilla scented candles that are lighted up around the bath boarder.

Thankfully having some fake flowers I grabbed them and put them around the bath boarder as well.

This looks romantic but I'm trying to make it comfortable and soothing for Victoria.

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