03| Flight and Italy

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V I C T O R I A' S P O V


WHY WOULD YOU RATHER LEAVE when you have murder thoughts from trauma?

I thought to myself while hiding in the closet from master.

"Little girl come out come out wherever you are, I won't hurt you!" Master said while running looking for me.

"Aha bitch I got you!" He dragged me out the closet.

"No please don't I'm sorry please." I whimpered.

He started laughing like a psycho man. "Oh no I won't hurt you now but you are coming with me and you'll see me hurting someone else and finally you will kill them for me." He said, smiling like a fucking bitch.

I tried running again but he caught me and carried me to the basement where all the disgusting shit happen.

"First, I'll rape this girl and then punish her and finally you'll kill her alright?" He questioned me.

No no no!

I looked at the small girl in front of who looks terrified.

I didn't reply but that didn't stop him he went and did what he did.

"PLEASE STOP!" I saw and heard the cries of the girl while she was getting raped.

This is all my fault I am pathetic I can't help her.

This is my fault.

Someone kill me.

My fault.


*End of nightmare*

I woke up breathing heavily and sweating.

This is why I don't sleep. Nightmares fucking nightmares.

I couldn't save her, I didn't save her and it's my fault she died.

I woke up and saw it was five in the morning. I decided to go wash my face and do some gym.


Today I didn't do much other then pack and watch Netflix. I'm waiting for the day to hit 6:00 pm because that's when we leave to the airport to go to Italy.

It's currently 3:40 in the afternoon and I'm eating noodles because I'm cool like that.

Besties I got a question, do you guys have trauma? Because I do my whole life's been a trauma but it's getting better and hopefully I have no other drama.

Wait did I just break the fourth wall- oops anyway...

It's finally 5:50 pm and I have my suitcase and duffel bags in front the door to my apartment, my outfit for the airport consists white joggers white short stop that is basically a bra and a brown jacket with white sneakers.

Chris said he's picking me up and he's almost here so I took my bags and went downstairs. To go to Italy we are taking Chris's private jet because and I quote he said "I am a rich bitch and so are you so why not flaunt the money.. a little bit tho." End of quote. His words not mine.

So that's a reason as to why we are taking his jet.

Chris came and we greeted each other and left to the airport.

Once all the important stuff was done we boarded the private jet and took off.

I decided to take a nap because I barely slept.
So I got comfortable and curled up to sleep on the seats instead the room because I don't like beds.

3 hours later I woke up. Goddamn I slept for a while especially on a plane. I decided to go refresh myself so I stood up stretched and went to the bathroom.

As I looked in front the mirror I saw a girl with green emerald eyes, full natural pouty lips, high cheek bones, brown hair with highlights that reached my shoulder and a bit more down. I have a natural hourglass body I think it runs in the family. Speaking of family I don't have one I used to but they left me in an orphanage at a young age and that's why everything went down hill.

At least that's what I got told but I barely give to shits.

I hope to never see my family if I do... the rest is history.

Anyway I put my hair up in a ponytail and did my business.

Once I was done I left and went to sit down.

Me and Chris talked about lots of things and Italy. This would be my second time going to Italy and I'm excited.


"Ladies and Gentlemen please wear your seatbelts we are about to land in Sicily Italy, thank you." We heard the captain speaking. We buckled up and waited to land. Even though it's just the two of us the captain still had to be dramatic.

Once we landed we got our hand bags aka duffel bags because our suite cases would come to Chris's house that he has in Italy.

Once we got our bags we left to go for the black SUV that was parked and had Chris's driver in.

Chris's driver drove us back to his house, I'm not sure why I'm still tired. I can already feel my sleep schedule ruining itself.

Once we made it to Chris's house I admired the scenery everywhere, I really do adore Italy it will always have a place in my heart.

Why don't I live here? I inwardly asked myself. Well I don't even know the answer to that, but if I had a hint I think it's because Spain has always been where I am basically meaning I've been there my whole life and don't really plan on leaving, at least not anytime soon.

Yes I've gone on vacations a few times but is it really a vacation if you have work to do?

Either way it's really fun seeing new views and trying new things.

"Welcome to the Italian Chris house!" Chris said dramatically as he plopped down the fancy looking couch.

"Wow how Italian of you.." I said awkwardly. He started laughing.

"Thanks so you like it, huh?" Chris's question caught me questioning my apartment.

"Yeah I do of course! It's so pretty here and the Italian view makes it better!" I joked.

He nodded before telling me to follow him so we could eat some food before doing whatever else.

I started walking behind him and wondered what Italy will bring me.. One things for sure is I'm seeing Noah and getting answers.


Hi guys so the next chapter begins the drama!!

I'm excited as fuck hopefully you guys are too😁

Thanks for reading see you in the next!


Bye loves💕

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