14| Mission #1

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M A T T E O' S  P O V

"DIMMI LEO, PERCHÉ CI HAI spiato e poi ci hai denunciato?" (Tell me Leo, why did you spy and then snitch on us.) I asked speaking loudly to the blue haired boy in front of me, tied up sitting on top of the brown coloured chair.

He laughed darkly before talking. "Sei una merda Matteo, questa mafia che stai guidando crollerà tutta, ragazzo. Aspetta e guarda!" (You are shit Matteo, this mafia that you are leading will all crumble down boy. Just wait and watch!)

Once he said that, I didn't hold back on the anger anymore I swung the hammer that was in my hands and hit his already wounded knee cap, making blood pour out.

The cries and screams I hear from this betrayer in front of me brings me pleasure time by time.

"I'll give you one more chance to tell me Leo, who told you to snitch on my mafia after working for me then betraying me!" I yelled.

Leo here has been in my mafia for an year, I recently found out he is giving out private information from the mafia to someone unknown that I have no clue as to who it is.

Is it a group? Or is it a person?

"I'll never tell you but I'll give you a hint dear boss, he's coming and he's coming hard maybe he's going to be alone or maybe he's getting help, I'll tell you once more he'll be more powerful and fucking kill you and end your blood line!" Leo yelled spitting blood on my face.

That's all it took for me to start punching him.
I punched his jaw which is by far broken. I punched his mouth and three of his teeth fell out with blood oozing out. And lastly I grabbed the knife and peel his right arm that was tied. I peeled some skin off making him scream and begging to stop.

"Well that's all the fun for now Leo, say goodbye and say hello to the devil for me." I smirked and loaded my gun, shooting him right between the eyes.

"Pulisci questa merda!" (Clean this shit up) I yelled to the two guards and leaving the cell, heading to my room.

As I walked inside my room. The colour of the walls are all black, I had a walk in closet full of clothes, a massive bathroom, and lastly my California king size bed. Walking up to the balcony that's connected to my room, you could see a beautiful view of everything.

I walked inside the bathroom and stripped ready to take shower washing off the blood from my body.
I saunter inside the shower and turned on the hot water first, making my sore muscles soften underneath the fiery water.

Ten minutes later of standing and washing myself underneath the hot water I turned on the glacial water and stood for another five minutes.

After I was done showering I got out and grabbed a towel from the cabinet drying myself done.

I then left my bathroom and entered closet picking out an outfit. I decided on a normal clean black suite. With some black pants, I rolled a little of the sleeves up showing my tattoos that are designed on my arm.

I took some sliver chains and wore them around my neck, and lastly I wore two of my silver rings.

I walked out of my bedroom and strolled downstairs to meet a few members that live in this mansion and is apart of the mafia.

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