21| Come With Me

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V I C T O R I A' S P O V


There he is in all his glory, the one and only Matteo fucking Ricci, sitting on my bed.

He raised his head up to look at me, making his blue shiny eyes bore into mine.

Instead of replying to my question he got up and stalked his long legs towards me.

I gulped but did not move from my position.

As he noticed I wasn't going to move like he would want me too he pushed me back against the wall.
Matteo pinned my arms down beside my body.

He stared at me making my body hot. After a few more seconds he put his head on the crook of my neck breathing in my lavender scent.

"Matteo..." I breathed.

He hummed in satisfaction before looking at me again.
"I came because I wanted to see you." He shrugged.

I looked at him like he's grown two heads.
"How the fuck did you get in then?!" I shouldn't have asked this question as I already know the answer to that.

"Sono abbastanza sicuro che tu sappia già quella risposta, piccola." He rasped.

"Do you always switch up languages when wanted?" I ask rolling my eyes.

Before I know what's happening he pinned both of my arms above me with one hand and used the other hand putting it on my neck slightly choking me. "Don't roll your eyes at me." He said.

My stomach filled with butterflies as he talked.

You kinky bitch. My subconscious teased.

His lips hovered over mine before he came down and pecked my lips twice. I inwardly moaned.

Before anything else could happen I still needed to change. I flipped us over as I had the power now.
"I need to go change." I said before pecking his lips twice like he did.

I hear him mutter 'tease' in Italian after I made my way to the bathroom.

Once I am comfortably changed and showered, I made my way back to my room seeing Matteo on my bed with his eyes closed.

As I was about to sit down he picked me up and sat me on his lap holding my waist.
I squealed attaching my hands on his neck.

He hummed a tune while creasing my waist with his thumbs.

This is so random.

I know.

Then why aren't you saying anything?

Because I don't know, I feel good right now.

I slightly massaged his head as we sat in silence.

After a while Matteo got up carrying me too, my legs around his waist my hands around his neck.

"Come with me." He didn't give me a choice as leaving.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Vedrai tesoro." He spoke, his strong Italian accent coming in.

I nodded and laid my head back on his shoulder.
I shouldn't trust him, but yet I feel safe with him.


"We're here." Matteo's voice rang.

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