17| Drunken Words

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V I C T O R I A' S P O V

"TURNS OUT HE WAS MARRIED all along!" Lorena exclaimed throwing her hands up. "Damn girl at this point men suck, cancel all men." I chuckled.

She hummed in agreement before taking a bite of her cheesy pizza. It's been two day's since the kiss me and Matteo shared. I've been avoiding all of them except for Lorena.

And today Lorena came over my house saying we should have a girls day, or whatever. So we're currently eating pizza and gossiping.

She told me a story about how she went on a date and found out a week later that her date was married, she immediately left and hasn't gone on a date since.

"So tell me bae, have you had any boyfriend's?" She questions me. This question is making me think a lot. From the nineteen years of my living, I've never had a boyfriend.

Can you believe it?!

Yes, yes I can. My subconscious butts in.

I have kissed a few boys here and there, I have had sex, but never have I had a boyfriend, crazy I know.

"Nope I've never had a boyfriend, ever." I admitted.
The look on her face was only confusion.
"You've never had a boyfriend, why?" She implored.

"I don't know—" I shrugged, "— I guess I just never had a boyfriend." She bobbed her head in response before counting to talk. "So what should we do for tonight?" Lorena asked.

"I don't know, let's just stay in and watch a movie." I smiled. "Respectfully, no." Lorena grimaced.

"What do you mean no? I mean we can do anything but I'm not going outside!" I simply stated. "No!" she groaned, "we should go outside, oh my Gosh how about a club!" She exclaimed.

"I've already went to a club." I said. "Yeah but me, you, Diego, Matteo, Benjamin and Samuel didn't, I'll invite them!" She said happily.

This girl— "fuck no, I've been trying to ignore them for these past days and you're telling me we should go hang out with them!" I declared.

"Wait, you've been ignoring them?!" Lorena asked.

"Yes." I simply replied. "Why?" She questioned. "Because..." I trailed off. "Come on tell me, tell me, tell me! I'm a sucker for gossip and I promise I won't tell anyone!"

I groaned but nonetheless decided to tell her. "Meandmatteomighthavekissedafewdaysago." I said in a fast tone.

"Ok, now say that again but slower."

"Okay, me and Matteo might have kissed a few days ago." I squeaked. I looked at her and after a second she started squealing.


I looked at her confused, "what do you mean 'finally'?"

"Girl when we went out for lunch with them, I saw the way he looked at your fine ass and the way he followed you!" She explained happily.

"Oh." Is all I could come up with. "Yes! Wait so what happened afterwards?" She asked.

"So you see I may or may not have ran away and leave him while driving off." I said sheepishly, while scratching my left forearm.

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