43| His

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M A T T E O' S P O V

"YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T DRINK ALCOHOL anymore!" Benjamin laughed as I downed my scotch.

I rolled my eyes at him, "why? I'll drink however much I want to."

"Hello?! Do you not remember what happened specifically three a week ago?" He tried joking.

Oh yes, how can I ever forget?

"Of course I do, but I'm not heavily drinking like last time." I muttered before closing alcoholic bottle and settling it down.

"Now Benjamin, why did you barge into my office when I clearly told you that I am busy today and I do not want to be bothered in anyway, shape or form."
I seethed as I continued filling out paperwork's.

"Yes I know totally not because you told me a billion times, but I have some amazing news!" Benjamin exclaimed and took a seat in front of me before opening the file he had with him.

I hummed telling him to hurry up and tell me the so called 'amazing news,' nothing is amazing news unless Victoria is with me.

"You know how we went with Victoria when she confronted Oliver? Well Oliver and his boss are both dead, all of their helpers as well." He happily said while showing me the photos taken of dead bodies, to which I assume is they're dead bodies.

I took the photos in my hand and examined them, smirking i replied, "good, good. You guys did what I told you to do, correct?" 

"Yes, placed the bombs everywhere we could and sent a note to Oliver which meant he would give it to his boss and that would call for a big meeting and once we spied on them and saw everyone together that's when the bombs went off." He grinned like a psychopath.

"Now all of them including Ethan." I finished for him while smirking happily.

Did they really think that they'll get a chance to hurt Victoria?" I scoffed at that thought; never in a million years.

"Good, good, that's what they deserve anyway." I said while running my hands through my hair.

Benjamin nodded and silence continued.

But that silence was—sadly—interrupted because Benjamin's loud nosy ass spoke up.

"So, when are you going to ask Victoria out? It's been years since you guys have gone on dates now. We're all waiting for forever now!"

I rolled my eyes, "none of you fucking business."

He put his hands up before leading it behind his head, "okay, okay, my bad buddy but seriously, when?"

"Soon, and by soon I mean today. It was actually my plan—and still is—to actually ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend." I told him in honesty.

"Oh my Gosh!" Benjamin screeched, "Ho appena sentito bene?!"

"Wait, that's amazing, Matteo! What is the plan? If you need help I got you in any form." He said sincerely.

As much as I'm not someone who wants to show emotion, Benjamin is truly a good friend and I'm happy to have him as one. He does know this but I'd never tell him this.

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