70| He's Obsessed

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V I C T O R I A' S P O V


Now it's weird that I'm in a coffee shop but I'm not drinking coffee, instead I'm drinking tea.

Not what some would do in a—well—coffee shop, but here I am.

What am I doing spending my weeks—most of my weeks in a coffee shop? Nothing really.

Sometimes it's to look innocent from both the mafia families other times it's to enjoy my own peace.

Today, I feel down. Why? It's probably because I miss Matteo.

Like I've said before, I miss all of them but I miss Matteo more.

And while I'm missing Matteo I'm also thinking about Mason as well.

The words he said and the shit I found out about Igor and him, helps me.

People might think killing someone is easy, or like "oh it's just Igor and it's easy to kill him!"

"You've seen him so many times just shoot him!"

This is what people think or say but they don't know that it's not that easy.

Firstly, killing anyone isn't easy as it seems.

Secondly, now killing Igor is even more serious because he himself is not a good person.

Personally, I have no family but more friends which equal family to me. These people can be in risk all because of Igor. So that is why I have to take this slowly.

And on top of all this, the person who assigned me to kill Igor called.

It's like the worlds catching everything up on me. Which is fine and I understand because it's time. It's time I kill Igor, it's time I move on with my life back to Spain.

I'm starting to think this plans backfiring on me, not physically but mentally. Mentally because I am starting to miss everything and everyone.

I snap out of my thoughts as I realize my phone is ringing.

Taking out my phone from my purse, the phone call ended. Scrolling through the endless of missed calls I see that it's Matteo.


He has called me five times—six now—but I was to stuck in my head to notice.

Quickly calling him back I take a deep breath and hope he picks up.

"Victoria." I hear his gruff voice speak up, feels like he just released a bolder amount of stress.

"Hi Matteo!" I put my innocent voice on so he doesn't stay mad at me—that's if he is mad at me for not picking up.

"Where are you?" He asks bluntly.

Oh, well I guess he's the same old person even if I've lost my memory or not. Well he's not really the same old person because so much has happened but sometimes he puts his words out stricter than intended, which is fine because that's how he is.

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