Married...But To Someone Else (Part 2)

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It's been 4 months since Harry and Camille's wedding. I haven't talked to Harry since. I still had my feelings for him. He and I used to talk everyday even before they got married but now, he doesn't talk to me anymore. I've tried calling him and texting him but I either get sent right to voicemail or I get left on read or delivered. I missed my best friend. I was in Cheshire with Ella and Gemma, visiting Anne. We were greeted at the door. "Hey ladies! How are you?" She said before hugging each of us. We all walked into the house and sat in the kitchen. We were talking when Gemma asked, "So Mum, have you heard from Harry since the wedding?" She asked. "Yea, he's in town actually. Him and Camille are out at the market right now actually, picking up some things for me." Anne replied. "Have you guys?" She asked. "Not really.." Ella said. "I mean he's texted or called every couple weeks but it hasn't been too often that I hear from him." Gemma replied. "What about you Y/N?" Anne asked. "No I haven't." I replied. "I'm sure they've just been busy..I mean they did go on their honeymoon for a month and have been trying to find a house. They're probably just busy." Anne said. "'re probably right." I replied before I heard the front door opened. We all turned our heads to see Harry and Camille walking in with the groceries. "Hi sweetheart." Anne said. "Hey, long time no see." He said greeting us with hugs. Normally when I got hugs from Harry, they were big, tight, bear hugs but he just gave me a side hug. It felt weird. "Baby, we should get going, we have to meet with the contractors about the house." Camille said. "You guys are leaving? You just got here. Shouldn't we sit down and maybe catch up a bit." Gemma asked. "I'm sorry but we really should, we're making all these changes on the house. Maybe another time?" He asked. "Sure.." I said. "I'll see you soon. Bye mum." He said before hugging Anne goodbye. "Bye Harry. Bye Camille." She said and then they left. "Well that wasn't strange at all.." Gemma said sarcastically. "Yea.." I said sadly before looking down at my fingers as I began to play with them, my feelings were clearly hurt. "Are you okay Y/N?" Anne asked. "Yea I'm fine." I replied. "Just little butt-hurt I guess. But it's not a big deal." I replied. "I'm kinda butt-hurt myself as well. Harry's not himself. Especially since he got married. Everything's changed." Gemma said. Ella looked at me. "Are you still..." She whispered. "Is she still what?" Anne asked. "Anne...the truth is, I'm in love with Harry. I have been for the last 4 years. And when I finally built up the courage to tell him, that's when he met Camille. She was the perfect girl for him. I wasn't gonna ruin that nor was I gonna ruin our friendship over it. So I never told him." I said. I heard footsteps from behind me. "You're in love with me?" It was Harry's voice. My mouth opened agape. I was debating whether to turn around or not. I was gonna have to face this somehow. I turned around to face Harry, standing there in front of me. Everyone was quiet for a moment until Anne broke the silence. "Girls, why don't we go outside. Let's give these two a moment." She said before Ella and Gemma followed her out into the backyard. "I thought you left.." I said. "I left my wallet on the counter and then I came back for it." He replied. "How much of that did you actually hear?" I asked. "I heard up to the point where you said you were gonna tell me but didn't because of Camille. So pretty much everything." He said. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "Camille..she was beautiful, skinny, everything in a girl you were looking for. She was perfect and I didn't wanna get in the way of that. Nor did I want to ruin our friendship." I replied. "Y/N.." he took my hand. "Nothing could've ever affected our friendship." He smiled, I smiled back lightly. "But something affected our friendship enough for you to not talk to me after the's been 4 months Haz." I said. "I know..and I feel horrible. I've missed talking to you, to Ella, Gemma, and my mum..Camille had that hunch that there was something going on between you and me so she had me cut off contact with not just you but everyone else to make it seem like I was just always busy. She wasn't gonna back down until I did." He said. "Can I be honest with you?" He asked. "Sure." I replied. "The only reason why I had started dating Camille, was because I wasn't sure if you were felt the same way." He confessed before taking a step closer to me, he moved my hair that rested on my shoulder, behind it. He placed his hand on my cheek. He slowly leaned in. I was going to kiss him but it felt wrong. He was married. I could never do that to Camille. I wasn't that kind of girl. I pulled away from him. "Wait..we can't Harry. You're married now." I said. He took his hand off my cheek. "You're right. I'm sorry." He apologized before stepping back. "I should get going." He said grabbing his wallet off of the counter. "I guess I'll see you soon Y/N." He said. "See you soon Harry." I replied before he left. Gemma walked back inside and over to me. "Did you talk to him?" She asked. "Yea...and then he almost kissed me.." I said. "What?!" Gemma shouted. "I know. He said he started dating her to get over me because he thought that there would never be an us. Gemma you know I'm not that type of person to break up a marriage. That would make me a 'home wrecker'." I said. "I know you're not but who knows. If Harry came close to kissing you and he was only with her to get over you because he thought you didn't feel the same way, then maybe it's meant to be for you and him. I'm not gonna tell you what to do but here," She started pulling something out of her pocket, it was her cherry lipgloss. She handed to me, then I heard thunder come from outside before I heard rain began to pour rain. "If you want to, then I suggest you go for it." She said. I nodded before opening it to put some on. I handed it back to her before heading outside to see Harry standing there in the pouring rain, soaked from head to toe. "Harry?" I called out. He turned around. "Camille and I are getting a divorce. I couldn't lie to her anymore.." He spoke. "I love you, Y/N.." He shouted. I smiled before running towards him jumping into his arms, wrapping my legs around his torso and planting a passionate kiss on his lips. Our lips moved in-sync. He pulled away. "Will mine?" He asked. "I'll be yours any day." I said before pressing my lips back onto his.

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