Meeting the Parents

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Harry's POV
I was in mine and my fiancé, Y/N's shared bathroom getting ready to meet her parents for the first time. Her parents are pretty strict and I want them to be able to trust me because she is just the love of my life and I do plan to spend the rest of my life with her. I put on my best pair of slacks, some dress shoes, and a light blue button up shirt, rolling up the sleeves. I was so nervous that my hands were shaking. I looked at myself in the mirror one more time before Y/N walked into the bathroom in her dress with her hair and makeup done. "You ready babe?" She asked. I took a deep breath and sighed, "I'm a little nervous but yea." I said my breathe shaky. "Aw my love, it's gonna be okay. You're so sweet and so charming. I know my parents can be intimidating but I'm hoping things will go well." She said, that made me feel a little bit calmer. "Let's go sweetheart." I said sticking out my hand. She smiled and grabbed it and we walked of the bathroom and out of the house to my car.

Y/N's POV (Age 25)
Harry and I left the house to go meet my parents at The Saddle Ranch here in LA. It was Harry's first time meeting them. I could tell that he was nervous because he was shaking a bit the whole drive there. But I then grabbed his hand, giving it a soft squeeze of reassurance before I brought his hand to my lips and kissed to top of his hand, I think that calmed him down a little bit. Normally my parents would never allow me to date let alone get engaged to anyone without meeting them first. They've always been super strict about what I do. I was never allowed to hangout with friends, if I went out I had to be home by 8:00, I wasn't allowed to sleepover at anyones house, my parents always had to meet my friend's parents first before I did anything, they tracked my phone everywhere I'd go. They wouldn't even let me move out until I was 22. They were mainly strict about who I dated, wanting me to date someone who was of the wealthier kind, someone who worked and had a high paying or 'real' job, like for example being a doctor, someone who also had a great education and went to college. But Harry was a singer, he dropped out of school. To me it didn't matter how much money Harry had or what he did for a living. What truly mattered was what he was like as a person. Harry wasn't like any of the guys I've ever dated who were cocky, self-centered snobs. Harry was loyal, kind, and caring. He's always looked out for me and has continued to take care of me. He makes me happy. I was 25, I made my own rules. When my parents first heard that I was dating then got engaged to Harry and moved out to move in with him, they weren't on board. They considered disowning me as their daughter but I had somehow convinced them to meet him and get to know him before judging him for not being the type of person they want me to be with.

We arrived at the restaurant and got out of the car and walked inside hand in hand. "Welcome, do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked. "Yes, Styles & Y/L/N for 4." Harry said. "Ah yes, right this way." The hostess said and we followed her to a table. She sat us down. I sat next to Harry and my parents were going to sit across from us. "Could I get you guys started with anything to drink?" She asked. "Um, no not yet we're gonna wait until my parents arrive." I replied. She nodded and walked away. Then I heard someone call my name. I turn my head to see my parents walking towards us. "Hi mom, Hi dad." I said as I stood up from my chair and hugged them and kissed my father's cheek. Harry stood up as well to greet them. "So this is the Harry Styles I've been hearing about?" My mother said. "Yes ma'am, nice to meet you Mrs. Y/L/N." He said shaking her hand. He then shook my father's hand and we all sat down. "So...Harry. What is it that you do for a living?" My father asked. Harry took a gulp. "Well sir um..I make music and tour the world. I'm a singer and have been since I was 16." He replied. My father lightly chuckled. "A singer? Pft. That's no real job." My father said as he shook his head in disbelief. "Some 'man' this is." My father said to my mother. "Dad!" I said. "I'm sorry Y/N but this is no man. He 31 years old and has no real job and barely an education at all. I don't approve of my daughter dating or even marrying someone who is unemployed and uneducated and I don't approve of this relationship at all. So Y/N, you're ending this now." My father said. "With all due respect sir and may not fit your standards for what kind of guy you want Y/N to be with but Mr. Y/L/N, I love your daughter. Money has never been a problem for us. I pay the bills and pay for grocer-" Harry spoke but my father cut him off. "I'm sorry like I said you're just not the right guy we want our daughter to be with." My father said as my mother nodded in agreement. Angry tears filled my eyes. "That's enough!" I shouted as I slammed my hand onto the table making the glasses of water and the plates and silverware clank against the table causing everyone in the restaurant to look over at our table but I didn't care at this point. I was done. "I can't believe you two! Obviously you guys don't understand the love I have for him and the love he has for me. At least you wouldn't since you guys didn't last forever. I know you say 'you want what's best for me' but the fact that you both are sitting there and have the nerve to judge and criticize him for the path he chose to take with his life and won't even take the chance to get to know him for who is as a person is honestly disappointing. He's loyal, kind, he loves me! And I am so in love him." I said grabbing Harry's hand. "He's different unlike all the rich, cocky, snobby boys that you've tried setting me up with before." I said. "Y/N, it's okay." Harry said. "No it's not Harry. You are the love of my life who I pictured spending the rest of my life with and I am very hurt by the fact my parents only care about what they want instead of what I want." I said to him as a tear fell down my cheek then I looked back at my parents. "I'm not going to stand here and let you belittle MY relationship and insult the man that I love. So unless you both can learn to have respect for me AND my fiancé. I don't want either one of you contacting me or showing up to the wedding unless you can give both of us an apology for your terrible behavior. Harry, let's go." I said as I grabbed my phone, purse, and Harry's hand and stormed out of the restaurant. As soon as we got to Harry's car, I bursted into tears, crying into my hands as I leaned against his car. I felt Harry pull me into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "Sh. Sh. It's okay baby." He said trying to calm me down. "I'm so sorry Harry." I cried. "Y/N. Look at me." He said as he grabbed my face. "Don't worry about it babe. It's okay. But I am so proud of you for sticking up to them babygirl. Thank you for sticking up for me." He said as he kissed my forehead. "I love you so much Harry. I just wish they had just taken thebtike." I said as more tears fell down my cheeks. He wiped them away. "I know baby, but after that, what you just did, maybe they'll realize they were wrong for judging." He said as he wrapped his arms around me again and rested his chin on the top of my head.

After a few minutes of standing there Harry pulled away from me and then opened the passenger door. "Let's go home baby." He said. I sniffled as I got into the car and put on my seatbelt. Then Harry closed the door and walked around to his side of the car and got in putting on his seatbelt. He started the car and then placed his hand on my thigh and he pulled out the restaurant parking lot and drove back home.

When we arrived at home, we walked inside and Harry immediately kissed me passionately as soon as I closed the front door. He then pull away. "Have I ever told you how much I love you babygirl?" He asked. "I love you more my sweet boy." I said and I kissed him. He then swooped me off of my feet and carried me up the stairs into our bedroom.

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