A Miracle

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My husband, Harry and I were sitting on the floor of the bathroom against the wall waiting for the 5th pregnancy test I've taken in the past two months. The timer on Harry's phone went off. I flipped the test over. Negative. Tears filled my eyes. I was frustrated with myself and I threw the test across the room and broke down crying into my hands. I felt him get up from next to me and squatted right in front of me and placed his hands on my knees. "Hey hey hey. It's okay baby." He said. "No it's not. I keep disappointing you time and time again. Harry, what if we can't have kids?" I cried. "Look at me." I looked at him, he placed a hand on my cheek. "We can keep trying. But you could never disappoint me baby. And if worse comes to worse, we can just adopt." He said caressing my cheek with his thumb. "I'm sorry Harry." I said as I began to cry again. "Don't apologize my love. You're gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay. Our time will come when it comes so let's not give up now. We still have time." He said standing up and pulled me up off the ground then pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and he kissed the top of my head. "I love you Harry." I said. "I love you more sweetheart." He said.

*about 2 and a half months later*

I was feeling really nauseous for the past few days and I was a week late for my period. So I went to the doctors. "Congratulations, you're in fact, 9 weeks pregnant." My jaw dropped. "Oh my god." I exclaimed. "You're due for your next appointment for your next ultrasound in about 6 weeks, will that work for you?" The doctor asked. "Yes that is perfect thank you so much." I replied. She nodded as she handing me the picture of my ultrasound and wished me a good rest of my day and left the room. I grabbed jacket walked to my car and got in. As soon as I got in my car, I cried happy tears. I couldn't believe Harry and I were finally getting the family we wanted. I didn't know if I could come up with a plan with how to tell Harry, so I FaceTimed my sister in law, Gemma.

(G=Gemma; Y=Y/N)

G-"Hi lovely."
Y-"Hi Gem, so I just got out of a doctors appointment." I began to choke up.
G-"Is everything okay?"
Y-"Yea, umm. I just found out that I'm pregnant." I said.
G-"Oh my god! Aww that's amazing, I know how much you and Harry really wanted a baby! Have you told him yet?"
Y-"No I wanted him to find out in a fun away. I called to ask if you possibly had any ideas in mind?" She told me her plan. It was the cutest plan for a pregnancy announcement I've ever heard. "I love that, but yea I gotta get home and get ready for game night but I will text you when I get home."
G-"Ok drive safe please. Love you Y/N."
Y-"I will. Love you Gem." And with that, I hung up the phone, I wiped my tears and headed home.

*later that night*

It was family game night, Gemma, her husband and Anne came over to mine and Harry's house. Tonight's game was scrabble so I had a perfect idea of telling everyone that I was pregnant. I was in the family room setting up everyone's tile holders while people were in the kitchen grabbing snacks. I grabbed out 8 tiles to spell out the word pregnant. "Alright, everything's set up." I called out. "Comin' darling." Harry said. Everyone came out from the kitchen into the family room. We sat on the floor around the coffee table. The bag of tiles was passed around to everyone. Harry grabbed the small notebook and pencil from the box and handed it to Anne. "You mind keeping score Mum?" Harry asked. "Sure!" She replied. "Alright, so who wants to go first?" I asked asked. "I DO!" Harry said shooting his arm up into the air. "Ok go then babe." I laughed. He put down his first word and went in a circle. Harry, Michal, Gemma, Anne, and then I was last to go. Harry had just put down his word, CRAM across. I thought that was the perfect place to put my word and put the P at the end of cram and finish my word going down. "Alright that's 14 points for Harry. You're turn Y/N." Anne said after writing down Harry's score. "Hold on lemme pull out my phone for this one." Gemma said reaching into her purse. "C'mon Gemma, we all agreed to no phones during game night." Harry said. "I know but this is important." She replied and held her phone up hitting record. Then I put the word PREGNANT. After putting down the word, I counted how much it was worth and it added up to 32 points. "That's 32 points." I said. "What was the word dear?" Anne asked. "Pregnant." I said. Gemma giggled. "28 points nic-" Harry's eyes went wide. "Wait..You're pregnant?!" He shouted looking at me with his jaw dropped. I laughed as tears of joy filled my eyes as I smiled and nodded my head. "Oh my god!" Anne shouted. "No way!" Michal shouted putting his hands on his head. I nodded my head. "When did you find out?" Anne asked. "This morning." I replied. "You're having a baby! You're having a baby!" Gemma said. I laughed. Harry put his hands over his mouth in shock and then put his face in his hands and cried. Everyone was cheering and screaming in excitement. I leaned over and hugged him. He pulled his face away and pulled me into a tight hug. He pulled away and put his hands on each side of my face. "We're having a baby." He said sniffling. I nodded and he pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled away and pulled the picture of the ultrasound and he looked at his and then looked up at me. "I love you so much." He said as he kissed my forehead and hugged me again. Everyone got up and hugged both me and Harry congratulating us. "Let me just I say I think that was the best pregnancy announcement ever, and you have me to thank." Gemma laughed. "You knew?" Harry asked. "Yea she called me and told me before everyone came over." Gemma said. We all laughed and decided to finish our game of Scrabble. Anne had the most points and won the game. It was getting late so everyone head home for the night. Harry and I went upstairs too our bedroom changing into our pajamas, brushed our teeth, and got into bed. I was lying on my back as Harry was lying on his side facing me with his head propped up on his arm. Then he placed his other hand on my stomach. "I can't believe we're having a baby." He said. "I know. I still can't believe it either." I said as I looked over at him, he had the biggest smile on his face looking at my stomach. I yawned. "C'mere love." He said gesturing for me to cuddle with him. I moved closer to him, he wrapped his arms around me as rested my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said as I yawned and closed my eyes, falling asleep in his warm embrace to the sound of his heart softly beating.

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