I Do

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I woke to the sound of my 9 am alarm to start getting ready for my wedding day. I can't believe I'm marrying the sweetest man in the entire world. I walked over to the other hotel rooms to wake up my mother, my flower girl (Gemma's daughter) Rosie, my Maid of Honor, Gemma of course, Harry's cousin, Ella, Harry's drummer, Sarah and my the rest of bridesmaids. My mother and Anne were already awake bringing in breakfast they had ordered from room service before it was time to get ready. Both my mom and Anne did everyone's hair and Ella did my makeup.

After we all were finished with makeup and hair and I finally put on my dress, shoes and my veil that was clipped to a tiara. "Omg Y/N. You look so beautiful sweetheart." Gemma said. "Like a princess!" Rosie said. I did. I felt like a princess who was about marry her prince. We all got into the limo that was waiting outside and headed off to the church.

Harry's P.O.V
I got up to my alarm to start getting ready. Gosh I can't believe I'm marrying the love of my life. I've never felt so excited. I walked over to my best man and my band's lead guitarist, Mitch's hotel room and knocking multiple times. "Mitch! Get up!" I called. He opened the door and groaned. "Mate it's 8am why are you pounding on my door." He asked groggily. "Get ready." I then went to go wake up my other groomsmen.

Y/N's P.O.V
We arrived at the church, I met with my dad behind the doors to walk down the isle. My mother fixed the train of my dress and handed me my bouquet. "You look beautiful sweetheart." My dad said kissing my cheek. "Thank you daddy." I said smiling. The doors opened and my bridesmaids went out one by one. I linked arms with my father and we walked through the doors in the church the song I requested the orchestra we paid to play while I walk down the isle began to play. If I Could Fly. Everyone sitting on the benches stood up and turned towards me gasping in awe. I looked down the isle as mine and Harry's eyes met. I saw tears fall down his face and he smiled. My dad and I reached the alter I handed my bouquet to Gemma. Then my dad kissed my cheek and took my hand and placed it in Harry hand. "Take good care of her son." Dad said. Harry nodded. He replied then looked at me smiling. Everyone sat down and the ceremony started. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the relationship of Y/N and Harry to be witnesses and supporters of the commitment they share with one another. Together we're a group of the most important people in their lives and they've brought us here to publically recognize that we've all played some special part in the love they share today. Y/N and Harry wanted me to thank you all for being here and to recognize how important each and every one of you are to their relationship. They would also like to recognize all of those who couldn't make it here today as they are certainly missed but not forgotten on this day of celebration. Speaking of important people, there were none more important in influencing the lives of Y/N and Harry than their parents. With that being said, who gives woman away in marriage to this man?" The Minister asked. "Her mother and myself do." My father said. "Marriage gives permanence and structure to a couple's love. It's a way to tell one another that no matter how much you snore or how much you spent while out at the shopping mall, we're still in this together. It's more permanent than the any tattoo that Harry gotten and has more staying power than Y/N's bright beautiful personality that Harry said she's had since they first met. Marriage is telling the person you love that you're not going anywhere and that's a powerful commitment for two people to make to one another. A good marriage must be built on the foundation of this commitment. In marriage the "little" things are the big things. It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say, "I love you" at least once a day. It is never going to sleep angry. It is standing together and facing the world. It is speaking words of appreciation, and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is not only marrying the right partner — it is being the right partner. The road that has brought Y/N and Harry here today hasn't been easy. It's been filled with challenges that they weren't necessarily prepared for. But together they've taken each one on and have used those experiences to strengthen, not weaken their love. They say, 'Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.' Now Y/N and Harry would like to give each other their vows." The Minister said handing Harry a mic so I could hear him along with everyone else. Mitch handed him a piece of paper and Gemma handed me my piece of paper with my vows on them to say to Harry. "Y/N, you've made me feel more loved than I ever deemed possible. You're beautiful, you're bright, you're kind. And may I say that you look absolutely beautiful right now? You look beautiful today, yesterday, tomorrow, and always. I promise to say that you're always right, I promise to admit when I'm wrong, I promise to take care of you and our future children, I promise to make you happy." He said choking up and I was tearing up. "It's you and I together. I wouldn't be who I am or where I am today without your love and support. I love you so much. Forever and Always." He said finishing and wiping his tears and handed me the microphone. I took a deep breath and unfolded my paper and started mine. "Oh Harry, where do I begin. I thank you for always being present and for always caring. I thank you for putting smile on my face and making me laugh on my worst days. You've been there for me through thick and thin and on my darkest days." I said choking up. "I promise to be there when you need me. I promise to be there when you need a shoulder to cry on. I promise to always give you my time. I promise to not give you any hard times even though I may not be able to guarantee it. I promise to love you until the end of time, for better or for worse." I said finishing and I wiped my tears away. "Now onto the rings, can we have the rings please?" The Minister asked. Mitch and Sarah's son came over to me and Harry with the rings on the pillow. We both thanked him while grabbing each other's ring. "Harry repeat after me. With this ring, I the wed." The pastor said. "With this ring I the wed." He said smiling while sliding the ring onto my ring finger. "Y/N repeat after me. With this ring, I the wed." The pastor said to me. "With this ring, I the wed." I said placing his ring on his finger. "Do you Harry take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and health as long as you both shall live?" The Minister asked Harry. "I do." Harry said smiling at me. "And do you Y/N take Harry to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" The Minister asked me. I looked at Harry and smiled. "I do!" I said excited. "By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. Harry you may kiss your bride." He said. Harry then grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. Everyone cheered and clapped. He pulled away and he leaned his forehead onto mine and whispered, "I love you baby." I smiled, "I love you too Harry." I whispered back to him. Gemma handed me my bouquet. Harry stuck out his hand and I grabbed it and we both walked up the isle as everyone clapped. We reached the beginning of the isle. "So are you ready for an amazing night, Mrs. Styles?" He asked smiling. "Yes I am Mr. Styles." I smiled as I leaned in to kiss him before nodded grabbing his hand and pulling him to the venue that was outside by the beach. When we got outside everyone started cheering. Everyone sat down at round tables while Mitch, Sarah, Harry, Gemma, my bridesmaids, Harry's groomsmen, Anne, and my parents all sat at a long table next to each other. Mitch got up and grabbed the microphone from the DJ stand and came back to his seat started tapping his spoon on his glass. "Can I have your attention please?" He said into the microphone. "Hello everyone. Allow me to introduce myself, for those who may not know me. I'm Mitch Rowland, not only am I his lead guitarist but I am also his best man. I'd like to thank you all for taking time out of your schedules to come witness the marriage of my best mate and a dear friend, who I consider a sister." Mitch said, I smiled in awe. "I met Harry after auditioning to be a guitarist in his band for when he was touring. I had met Y/N one night after the last show in (city you live in) and he had asked security to bring her backstage after the show. He had told through the set that night, pointing out a girl in the front row that he had his eyes on all night. Before security brought her backstage, he told me and my wife, Sarah and our fellow pianist, Charlotte, how he had just looked at this girl in the eye and there were fireworks. When Y/N came back stage, she was a little shy but very kind. They had a long conversation which led them to hit it off pretty quickly. A week later after they had gone out on a first date, Harry came to me telling me that she was the girl that one day he was going to marry. And look where we are today..almost 2 years later. My best advice to give to you is to..Marriage is 5% love, 5% compromise, and 90% of knowing when you've already lost an argument and just folding the laundry for once, Harold." Everyone laughed as Harry shook his head and laughed. "Anyway, Harry, Y/N..I love you both and I wish you happiness for all eternity." I started tearing up. "I'd like everyone to raise their glass and make a toast to my amazing best friend and his beautiful wife. To Harry and Y/N!" He said while we all lifted up our drinks. "Harry and Y/N!" Everyone repeated and we all took a sip from our glasses and everyone applauded. Harry and I stood up and hugged Mitch. "That was wonderful Mitch. Thank you." I said. He pulled away and handed the mic to Harry's sister, Gemma. "Hey guys, for you guys who don't know me I'm Harry's older sister, Gemma. I am also Y/N's Maid of Honor. My favorite memory of Y/N was when Harry first brought her to our mum's house for a New Years Eve party as his date. Her and I got to talking, I'm pretty sure we talked all night. I really took a liking to her. She's kind and funny. She showed that she was a good person to be around. I saw how happy she made my little brother because every time Y/N wasn't around, he would always talk about her, he would say good things obviously but I could tell how in love with her he was. Harry, Y/N, you guys were made for each other. Now that you guys are officially married, I'd like to have a niece or nephew sometime soon now." Harry and I laughed. "I'd like to make a toast. To Y/N and Harry." Gemma said. "Y/N and Harry!" Everyone repeated then took a sip of their drinks. Harry and I hugged Gemma and thanked her. Harry took the microphone from Gemma. "Who's ready for some cake?" He asked as 2 chefs came out with a rolling table and our wedding cake. Harry pulled me over to the table where the cake was. We cut the cake together Harry dipped his finger in the frosting and swiped it onto my nose so the I took a bit of frosting as well and put it on his cheek. We laughed as we were grabbing plates and he put his fork into his piece of cake and fed it to me as I fed a piece to him. Everyone grabbed their piece of cake and started eating it.

*15 Minutes later*

The DJ started speaking into the mic. "Hey guys I'm the DJ for the night who's ready to get this party started?" He asked. We all cheered. "Now I'd like to ask the bride and groom to come out onto the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. A song played by Harry's band, Mitch, Sarah, and Charlotte." Harry took my hand and took me out to the dance floor they began to play one of my favorite songs, Forever by The Beach Boys. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he place his hands around my waist. He pulled me close to him and started singing the lyrics as we danced. Many photos were taken as we danced by our wedding photographer we hired and both of our mothers. "Maybe Gemma is right, we should have a baby soon." Harry said. "Really?" I asked looking back at him. He nodded. "Yes, how about we try tonight?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. Then Harry pressed his forehead against mine forehead as we swayed back and forth to the song. Harry took my hand and spun me around.

The song ended and everyone shouted and whistle. People began to tap on their glasses meaning they wanted us to kiss. Harry looked at me and grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. Everyone cheered and whistled. He pulled away. "I love you so much baby." He whispered. "I love you too Harry." I whispered back. "Ok now it's time for the father and bride dance Mr. Y/D/N and Y/N." The DJ said. My dad came over to me as the beginning of My Girl started playing. He placed his right hand on my back, I placed my left hand on his shoulder, and he placed his left hand in my right hand and we swayed back and forth to the music. "I love you so much daddy." I said. "I love you more sweetheart." He smiled.

Then the song ended and everyone applauded. The DJ played Harry's song, Kiwi and we all started dancing like crazy and singing along.

*the end of the night*

"Hopefully everyone had a great night. Congratulations once again to the newly weds. Everyone have a good night. Drive safely." The DJ said. Everyone cheered. Harry took me to his Range Rover that said 'Just Married' on the back in white car marker paint. We got in the car and waved goodbye and headed to our reserved hotel suite.

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