Two Times Is The Charm

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It was 10pm and I was on my way home from picking up my 3 year old daughter, Riley, from my ex husband, Harry's house because he had to work a night shift when all of the sudden my car broke down. It was dark, snowy, and 19 degrees out. I was 30 minutes out from Harry's and an hour from my house. I had no service, so my best bet was to take Riley and walk to what could be the nearest exit and find somewhere to get help. I put on my gloves and zipped up my coat and got out of the car and went to the backseat to unbuckle Riley from her car seat. "Where we going mumma?" She asked. "We're gonna go see if we can find someone to help fix mumma's car." I said, I made sure she had her scarf around her neck, her hat covering her head and ears and gloves on along with her hood up and her coat zipped up all the way I picked her up. I saw a sign that said the nearest exit was 7 miles. It was gonna be a long and cold walk. I grabbed the blanket that was in the back seat of my car and wrapped it around Riley picked her up and closed the door. I made sure that both Riley and I were warm then I began to walk.

We were about 1/4 a mile to the exit when I felt Riley shivering in my arms. "M-Mumma...I'm s-so c-cold.." Riley said. Her lips were turning blue as her teeth chattered. I set her down as I fixed the blanket wrapped around her bundling her up. "I know baby, I am too, we're almost there." I said. Riley buried her head into my shoulder. I adjusted her hood as the wind began to blow harder and the snow fell faster making it harder to walk. I then saw flashing red and blue lights coming from behind us. I turned around to see a cop car pull up behind us. He pulled over to the side of the road, the officer then got out of the car. "Hey! What are you doing walking out in this kind of weather on the freeway?" He asked shouting over the wind. "Hello officer. I was on my way home from picking up my daughter from her father's when my car broke down. I didn't have service so I thought we could walk to the nearest exit for help." I replied. "Could I give you guys a ride?" He offered. "Y-Yes please." Riley said. "Aw, are you cold sweetheart?" He asked. "V-Vewy." She said. "Hop on in. My station is not too far from there. I could take you and get you guys some warm blankets and some hot chocolate." He said. I nodded and I got into the back seat of the officers car with Riley sitting on my lap. "You're Styles' ex wife aren't you?" The Officer asked me. "Yea. I'm Y/N, sir. And this is our daughter, Riley." I replied. "Officer Jogan, the name's Bryce. I thought you looked familiar. Harry has a picture of you 3 on his desk." He said. I lightly smiled.

We arrived at the station, I got out of the car and carried Riley into the police station following behind Bryce. We walked in. "Hey Stephen, get these two some blankets and some hot cocoa please." He said. "I'm on it." The other officer replied. "You guys sit here, I'll go get Harry. I'll be right back." Bryce said, I sat down in the chair. The other officer brought me and Riley a blanket and some hot chocolate.

Harry's POV
I was in my office working on some paper work when I heard a knock on my door. I looked up to see my partner Bryce at my door. "What's up Jogan?" I asked. "I was scoping out the freeways and came across your ex wife and your daughter. They're out in the lobby." He said. "What?!" I said standing up and rushed outside of my office and to the lobby to see Y/N sitting there with our daughter wrapped and bundled up in a blanket. Riley looked over and saw me. "Daddy!" She said excited to see me. "Hi Ri Ri." I said walking over to her and picking her up. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "My car broke down, I had no service so I took Riley and started walking towards the exit to find help. That's when Bryce found us." She replied. She was shivering, "Let me see if I can find someone else to cover me tonight and I'll take you guys back to my place and then we can get your car picked up and towed in the morning." I said. "Are you sure Haz?" She asked. "Of course, Y/N. I know our marriage ended but doesn't mean I don't still care for you and wouldn't take you in." I said. She lightly smiled. "Thanks Harry.." She said. "Hey Jerry, do you think you could cover me for about an hour so I can get these two home?" I asked Jerry. "Of course." Jerry replied. "Let's get you two home." I said as I carried Riley and Y/N followed behind me to my car.

After we got Riley warmed up and tucked her into bed, Harry set up a fire in his fireplace that was in his living room. "You warm enough ba- Y/N?" Harry asked handing me a cup of hot chocolate. I nodded then he sat down next to me. "Y/N?" He said. "Yea?" I replied. "Can I ask you something?" He asked. "What is it?" I asked. "Do you remember when we first moved in to this place? Ya know, after we got married." He said. "Yea, it was after our honeymoon. Around this time. We had unpacked everything and we sat right here in front of the fireplace." I said. "Yea.." He spoke. "Then later that night I told you I was pregnant with Riley.." I said. "Yea, that was honestly the best night of my life." He replied, he placed his hand over mine then grabbed it squeezing it lightly. "Can I be honest with you Harry?" I asked him. "Of course." He replied. "Well, I've been thinking about this for the last couple months and I've been thinking about since the moment I got into the car to drive back to my house..I was thinking, what if we got a second chance because if I'm being honest, I miss you Harry. I miss being with you. I miss having you around and I know getting a divorce was what we decided on but I can't even remember what it is that went wrong that made our marriage fall apart. You're the only person who's ever made me happy and that I truly fell in love with, I mean other than our daughter but, Harry...I'm still in love with you." I confessed. "Y/N.." He spoke. "I know, I know but I-" I was cut off when Harry pressed his lips against mine. Our lips moved in sync. He pulled away as he put his hand on my cheek as he caressed it with his thumb. "I never stopped loving you darling.." I loved it when he called me darling. My stomach filled with butterflies as I smiled. "Maybe we could get a second chance?" He asked. "Two times is a charm.." I laughed. "I thought it was three?" He chuckled before he leaned in to kiss me again.

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