Surprised Homecoming

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Imagine you were asleep in bed in your apartment as Harry was finishing up the last few shows of his tour. But you weren't expecting him home for another week. As you were laying in your bed, it was past 1:30 in the morning. You had all the lights turned off. You woke up to hearing the front door open. You were kinda scared sh¡tless thinking someone broke in and Harry wasn't home. But you were always prepared as you had an old wooden back underneath the bed just incase. You grabbed your bat as you heard the footsteps grow louder as they approached your bedroom door. The door opened as the light turned on about ready to swing. Thank god you didn't swing through because there Harry was standing there in the doorway wide-eyed. You sighed in relief dropping the bat. "Oh my god, Harry.." You spoke dropping the bat before jumping into his arms hugging him tightly. He softly chuckles as he then wraps his arms around you. "Hi darling, everything alright?" He asked. You pulled away from him. "I was scared someone was breaking in. You almost scared me to death you idiot!" You said slapping his chest. "I thought you weren't supposed to be home for another couple days." You said. "Everything got pushed back a week so I thought I'd come home & surprise you. I'm sorry I scared you." He apologized. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're home.." You hugged him again.

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