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Harry's POV
I was currently on my radio interview + performance tour for my new album back in two years. Today's radio interview along with my manager, Jeff was in the states. Nashville, Tennessee. I had been on the road for just a little over a month and I haven't been home to see my wife and my 1 and half year old daughter, Ella since and I've really missed them. The interviewer, Lindsey asked about the meaning behind the songs and it brought up the topic about family because that's who I wrote about in this album. My parents, my sister, my grandparents, Y/N, and Ella. I don't know it just got me quite emotional thinking about it. "Harry, I see you're getting emotional right now what's going on?" Lindsey asked. "Everything alright H." Jeff asked putting his hand on my shoulder. "Um..yea I guess..when I started writing this album, I wrote about the people who mean most to me. Like my stepdad, Robin who we lost a few years ago. And my mum, my dad, and my sister who I don't see as often as I'd like to. My wife and our little girl, Ella. My little El Bell, she was born a few months early than we were expecting and...there were just some complications and we weren't sure how things were gonna pan out. But then, a miracle, she's alright now. Almost 2 in a couple weeks, healthy and that's all I'll ever be thankful for. But yea she's what the song Miracles is about." I spoke taking a deep breath. "Oh that's so beautiful. I noticed that their not here today. Are they back at your hotel? Are they at home?" She asked. "Um, yea Ella and Y/N are back home. It can be a lot for a child so young to be traveling around that much as well as Y/N having to work. It's a long month and since I last was with them. I feel like I'm missing out on my daughter grow while I'm away. It's been a little hard because you know she's almost two and she's learning new things, like I missed her few words. It's quite tough being there for my daughter or my wife. I've talked with Jeff about this. But yea I miss them." I said sniffling. "Well Harry, if you look at your screen right now you have a special video call waiting for you coming from all the way back home." Lindsey said. I was confused but then I looked at the screen to see my wife, Y/N who was holding Ella. "What?" I said shocked. "Surprise, hi babe." She said waving. "Oh my god! Hi!!" I said tearing up. "We miss you so much. Baby say hi to daddy." I looked at my daughter on the screen, she looked at me and had the biggest smile on her face and waved. "Hi dada!" She squealed. "Hi poppet..oh I miss you both so much." I said as a tear fell down my cheek. "You won't have to miss us any longer because...can I tell him Jeff?" I looked over at Jeff. "Go ahead." Jeff replied. "Okay well Jeff called me the other day saying that you've been pretty off lately so he's flying out me and Ella for your last show tomorrow." Y/N said smiling. "Wait really??" I shouted. "SURPRISE!!" Jeff shouted. "Aww...that's so sweet." Lindsey said. "I can't wait to see you both." I said. "I know babe, but I gotta go. Little miss over here is getting a little fussy and I need to put her down for a nap. I'll see you tomorrow Haz. I love you." She said blowing me a kiss. "I love you more angel. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled. "Also thanks for setting this up Jeff, thank you Lindsey." She said. "You're welcome Y/N." Lindsey and the boys replied. "Bye." Y/N said as she waved. We all waved back and then the call ended. "Aww that was so nice. She's so sweet and so is your little girl. I'm glad you get to see them tomorrow. I'm also glad you have friends who are nice enough to fly out your wife and daughter." Lindsey said. "I'm so eternally grateful. I can't wait to see my favorite girls. Thanks Jeff." I said looking over at Jeff. "Anytime mate." Jeff replied.

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