Our Dream House

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Harry's POV
For the past few weeks I had been so busy on my tour with meeting after meeting and traveling, I hadn't been able talk to my wife as much. She had to stay home because she's 4 months pregnant with our first child. I've tried calling her on when I'm taking breaks from rehearsals or while I'm riding the bus to the next tour stop but Y/N has recently this empty look on her face and a dull tone in her voice or when I'd finally be free to talk, she'd be either already asleep or when she was awake she would barely talk to me, which had me concerned. Maybe I had done something wrong.

We were on a FaceTime call before I told her I had a rehearsal when really I was going to fly home to to surprise her during my week off. "I gotta go to my last rehearsal but I will call you after, okay baby?" I said. She sighed. "It's fine. Don't worry about it." She said. "I love you." I said. "K Bye.." She said before she hung up. That was weird, kinda hurt my feelings a bit. Normally she would always say 'until the end of time my love.' every time we'd get off of a call. I was genuinely concerned.

*skip flight*

I finally got off of my flight and my sister, Gemma, had picked me up and drove me to mine and Y/N's apartment. Y/N wasn't expecting me to be home so I couldn't wait to see her reaction. I thought I'd surprise her. I had stopped at the market and brought home a card telling her how much I love her and a bouquet of sunflowers.

After Gemma dropped me off, I took my key and unlocked the door. When I walked in, I set down my keys, the bouquet and card "Y/N?" I called out. I got no response. I walked towards our bedroom door which was closed. I gently knocked on it before entering. "Baby?" I asked, I then saw that Y/N was laying down on top of the covers. I walked over to the bed and saw that she was asleep. It was 8:30 so I wasn't surprised that she was asleep. I gently pulled out the covers from under her and placed them over her, I leaned down to kiss her forehead. When I pulled away I had noticed her tear stained cheeks. It broke my heart knowing that she was crying. I gently wiped her tears away before kissing her forehead again. "Sweet dreams my love." I said, then I quietly walked out of our bedroom closing the door behind me. I walked into the kitchen to make something dinner.

I had woken up at about 9:10pm. I was under the covers. Confused because I know I didn't put them on top of me. I began smell something good coming from the kitchen. I got up out of bed before I walked out of mine and Harry's bedroom to see Harry, who was supposedly supposed to be in New York City, standing in the kitchen cooking some (your/favorite/dinner). I was in shock. I wasn't expecting him to be here. "Hi baby. How was your nap?" He asked. "It was alright." I said rubbing my eyes. "I made your favorite, (your fav dinner). Are you hungry?" He asked. I sighed. "Not really." I replied. "Okay well, I'll leave it out if you want some later sweetheart but I do have a little surprise for you." He said smiling before he pulled out my favorite candy and a bouquet of roses then he handed me a card. "What's all this for?" He asked. "Just something for my special girl.." He said. I was confused before set down the roses and (your favorite candy) then opened the card.

The front of the card said, 'I'm sorry' it threw me off a bit as I continued to read the card. "I know my schedule has been crazy these last few weeks, anytime I'm away from you, you're all I ever think about. You're the one thing I can't get off my mind. I want you to know that I love you today, I love you tomorrow, I love you forever and until the end time time." I read as choked up. I looked up the card to see that Harry that sweet, small, sympathetic smile on his face. My lip began to quiver before I broke down and cried. "Oh babe.." Harry said. I walked over to Harry and hugged him as I cried into his chest. I felt him wrap his arms around me and he rubbed my back then he rested his chin on the top of my head. After I finally calmed myself down. I pulled away. "Y/N, what's going on sweetheart?" He asked. "I know you've been so busy with working but the fact that the last time we really saw each other that was longer than a week was our honeymoon. That was 6 months ago Harry. And I just felt like I didn't truly matter to you and that you didn't love me anymore. And if I'm being honestly I was overthinking it asking myself, did I do something wrong? Did he find someone else? I convinced myself that I was the reason you were never home or never talked in to me anymore.." I said looking down at my fingers. "Y/N.." he spoke. Then I felt him place his hand on my cheek and lift my chin up. "I promise you that I do love you, I promise you that you didn't do anything wrong and there is definitely no one else because nobody even compares to you. I didn't marry you just to throw it all away. I married you because I love you, Y/N. There's nobody else I would've wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I know I've been working like crazy but the only reason I've been working so much is because I've been planning something big for us." He said pulling something out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was a key as well as a piece of paper. On the key was a charm that had something engraved into it. 'Mrs. Styles' and then on the piece of paper, it was a blueprint of a house. At the top it read, '132 Canyon Drive, Cheshire, England' (A/N: not a real address). Then I realized, it was the blueprint to our dream house. "Oh my god..Harry, you didn't.." I spoke. "I got us our dream house love." He said smiling at me. I smiled back at him. Harry and I had been wanting this for years and we had been wanting to start a family as well but when you live in an apartment so small and you working two part time, minimum jobs when you also have to pay rent, the water bill, the electricity bill, the cable bill, as well as groceries and gas every few weeks to a month, it's impossible to have money put aside for a dream and at the rate we were going before we weren't financially stable enough to start a family like we wanted to. "So this is it. We finally have our dream house and we can finally start a family." I said in awe. "Just like we wanted to sweetheart.." He said pulling me into a kiss.

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