Gender Reveal

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I was at Harry's show when Harry was making small talk with the audience when he started making an announcement. "Okay, you guys know my wife, Y/N and I are expecting." The crowd began to cheer. He then stuck his hand in his pants pocket and pulled out what I think was an envelope. "Now here in my hand, I have the results for the gender of our baby." He said. My jaw dropped. This kid. He walked to stand in front of me on the stage. "Now babe, I don't know about you but I've been wanting to know what the gender of our baby is for long." He said smirking at me. "Why don't you come on up here and join me love." He said. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as security guided me to the staircase walking up onto the stage. "Give it up for Y/N!" Harry shouted. Everyone cheered as Harry walked over to me and took my hand before we walked to the center of the stage. "Now baby what do you think we're having?" He asked me. "Hmm..I think we're having a boy." I said. "Oh well I think we're having a girl. What do you guys think? Are we having a boy or a girl?" He asked everyone started shouting out boy or girl. He then began to shush the audience before saying, "Okay let me test something. Scream if you think it's gonna be a boy." He said. We got a few screams from the audience. "And if you think it's a girl?" He asked, the crowd went insane. "Okay, so I'm gonna open this envelope. I'm going to need you guys to all count down from 3 and then I'll reveal. Ready?" He asked. Then the crowd began to count down. "3...2...1..." I watched as Harry opened the envelope unfolding it and it revealed 'Girl'. My jaw dropped. "Oh my god!" He shouted before jumping up and down. "We're having a girl!" He yelled into the mic. The crowd cheered as Harry picked me up off of the ground and spun me around. "We're having a girl." He whispered to me as he got teary-eyed. "We're having a girl." I repeated to him before leaning in to kiss him and the crowd screamed again.

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