Chapter 15: Frustration

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Once Killua and Gon were seated on the floor in Gon's room, Gon felt his mind resort back to the thoughts he had before Killua showed up.

This is the guy who plans to kill me?

If anything, I would call myself stupid for believing he could do such a thing, and that he didn't have feelings for me.

Killua soon noticed that Gon seemed deep in thought and quickly asked him a question.

"Is everything alright Gon? You seem more quiet than usual."

Gon blinked in confusion before quickly nodding.

"Yeah, everything is alright! Just tired is all!" Gon said, with a forced smile.

Yeah, except that you continuously lied to my face.

Gon honestly didn't know what he would do with the information he overheard Kenji and him discuss last night.

It was honestly a matter of kill or be killed. And Gon wasn't planning on dying.

I guess I'll just have to outsmart him.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?" Gon asked, finally recovering from his thoughts.

"No, why?" Killua asked, curiously.

"Would you like to go camping with me tomorrow night?" Gon asked.

Killua blinked in confusion.

"Camping? You like to camp?" Killua asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong with camping?" Gon asked, slightly raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing! I just didn't know you were into that stuff. But then again, you do like fishing huh?" Killua said, with a sheepish smile.

Gon chuckled before nodding.

"Yeah, which reminds me, we still haven't gone fishing yet huh?" He asked.

Killua shook his head in response.

"No, because you got mad at me remember?" He said, making Gon pout in response.

Killua laughed at the reaction and simply stuck his tongue out at him.

"Meanie." Gon mumbled, making Killua shake his head.

"Am not!" He said, before looking at the watch on his arm.

"Uh, it's getting late, I should probably start heading home." Killua said, before slowly getting up off the floor.

"Yeah, it kinda is huh?" Gon said, before also looking up at his bedroom clock.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow then?" Killua asked.

Gon then nodded.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Gon said, before walking Killua downstairs to the front door.

The two exchanged a quick hug and a wave before going their separate ways.

Once Gon closed the front door behind him, he slowly slumped down onto the floor.

Gaaah, ever since I found out his plan things just feel awkward!

And why did I say and do what I did earlier ??

"Why Kenji and not me?" You freaking idiot this isn't a rom com, and you can't fall for him, he's only trying to kill you.

Gon had to admit, the entire situation was confusing and frustrating.

On one side, he was beginning to have feelings for Killua, but on the other, he knew he wouldn't be able to pursue those feelings due to Killua's twisted deal with Kenji.

"Ugh, I need to come up with a plan."

A/N: If you saw the old update, we're just going to pretend that you didn't. PFFT, I feel like this version fit the narrative better and made more sense. It also didn't change Gon's behavior much. Well, enough about that, hope everyone is having a good day today! Thank you for supporting me!

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