Chapter 25: Proposal

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The next day at school Gon could feel his eye twitch constantly in annoyance.

He did forget something.

The homecoming dance was this weekend and he forgot to ask Killua.

And the more proposals he saw that day the more anxiety and annoyance he felt about it.

Anxiety because he was anxious that someone else was going to ask Killua before he could.

And annoyance because it just annoyed him how prepared everyone was for this week compared to him.

But then again, he did reject Killua a couple days prior to today. What if Killua wouldn't want to go with him because of it?

Gon groaned and face palmed himself.

What a dumb ass move.

And he didn't exactly want to tell Killua his feelings at the moment.

I'd only be putting him in danger.

So maybe it's best that I stop trying to involve myself with him in that way. It's selfish.

He walked into his first period class and sat down before beginning to take out his school supplies.

He soon saw Killua walk into the classroom and couldn't find himself to take his eyes off of him.

He looked really good today.

"Yo Gon!" Killua said, with a small wave.

"Hey, you doing anything after school today?" Gon asked.

What are you doing? You literally just said to stop involving yourself with him dumb ass.

"Why?" Killua asked.

Yeah, why Gon?

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to watch me practice today." He said, with a nervous chuckle.

"Ah, I would like to, but I have something I need to do after school today." Killua said, before sliding in the seat behind him.

"Really, what is it?" Gon asked, turning around to look at him.

"I'm going to ask that Kurapika dude to homecoming." Killua said, nonchalantly.


I really wish I didn't have to hear that.

"O-Oh, that's cool.." Gon said, slowly turning around to face the front of the classroom once more.

Well, what did you expect to happen?

You rejected him multiple times.

But it still hurts...

And the fact that he's going with one of my best friends hurts even more.

Wait a second, doesn't Leorio have a crush on Kurapika?

Maybe Leorio will ask Kurapika out first.

This might work out in my favor then!

And with that thought, Gon cracked a smile on his face.

But that smile wouldn't last long, because sadly, reality isn't as calculated as it seems to be.


He watched in horror as he saw his best friend accept Killua's homecoming proposal.

He also watched Leorio force a smile at the heartbreaking scene in front of him.

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