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Alright guys so this is a very important decision.

I have been pondering this for a while, and I don't think I can continue the story without discussing how it should be with you guys, as well as myself.

There will be 3 options.

The first option is where I rewrite the book, because I have realized that some parts of the story have progressed too fast and don't make sense. Therefore I want to change them (bath scene). Sadly, some parts won't be the same so some of you will have to reread the book.

The second option is where I keep the story how it is and just continue writing bit by bit to finish the story.

The third option is where I keep this book AND make a rewritten version separately.

So, what will you guys choose?





Comment underneath the number you choose! The time limit for this poll will be a week! Please respect other readers opinions and choices as well as support one another.

Once again, thank you all for reading, and I hope to see you soon!

- Sugapackets

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