Chapter 28: After School

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After Killua and Gon's last class of the day, Kurapika showed up to greet them.

"Hey Killua, hey Gon!" He exclaimed with a bright smile and wave.

"Ay, what's up Pika?" Killua asked.

"Hey." Gon murmured.

"Hey Pika, did you know that Leorio and Gon are going to the dance together?" Killua asked.

Just then Leorio walked up to the group of 3.

"Hey guys, got any plans?" He asked.

"Yes, but we also heard that you and Gon were going to go to the dance together. Why didn't you tell me?" Kurapika asked.

Leorio looked at Gon for a second as to question the statement.

Gon nervously smiled at the group, before glaring at Leorio to go along with it.

Leorio then cleared his throat before laughing.

"Yeah, it was a last minute kind of thing. I just didn't want to bother you with boring details." He quickly covered up.

"Well in that case, want to go tuxedo shopping with me and Kil?" Kurapika asked.

"Uh sure." Leorio said.

"Are you coming too Gon?" They all asked, while looking at the spiky haired male.

"Uhhhh, no. Just make sure to buy a dark gray tuxedo." He said, before turning away.

"I already have something planned." He finished, before beginning to walk away, leaving the others dumbfounded.

"What's up with him?" Kurapika asked.

"I don't know, but he's been like that all day." Killua replied, watching him walk away.

Should I go after him? 

Yeah I should, shouldn't I?

"Uh, you two go on without me, I'm going to talk to him." Killua said, before running down the hallway.

At the school's front steps, Killua finally caught up to the black haired male.

"Oi Gon, are you okay?" Killua asked, making Gon flinch slightly in surprise.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need to get home to help Mito make dinner." He lied.

"You sure? You know you can talk to me right?" Killua asked.

"Yeah, but I promise I'm fine. Go have fun shopping with Kurapika." He said, before walking off once more.

Killua stood there dumbfounded.

He didn't quite understand why Gon was giving him the cold shoulder all of a sudden.

Either way he had to get back to Kurapika because tomorrow was the dance after all.

"I'll call you later k?" Killua screamed out, before running back inside the school.

"Yeah, sure." Gon said, before backhand waving.

I'm sure as hell not looking forward to tomorrow. .

I feel like something bad might happen.

"I'll talk to Leorio about it later." Gon thought, while walking home.

Once he reached home, he greeted Mito and went straight up to his room.

Fuck it, I'll tell him how I feel tomorrow. I don't want to lose him to Pika.

A/N: Hello everyone ! It's been a while hasn't it? Hope you're doing alright. Sorry for this extremely late and short Chapter, another one will be up shortly! Stay tuned !

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