Chapter 4: First Day of School

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Killua woke up late the next morning, due to his alarm clock being broke.

He sighed and shrugged it off.

"Hey if I'm already late, might as well be 30 minutes late."

He got dressed at an normal pace and fluffed his hair before brushing his teeth.

He grabbed his purple backpack and grabbed a piece of toast out the toaster and headed to school.

He arrived at school exactly 30 minutes late and was handed his schedule.

He then looked down at his schedule.

Period 1- Algebra

Period 2- Chemistry

Period 3- Gym/Lunch

Period 4- British Literature

Period 5- World History

Period 6- Band

Killua sighed. He just hoped he had atleast one class with this Gon guy.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked to his first class of the day.

He found it 10 minutes later and walked in the door.

"You must be the new student, you are 40 minutes late! Where have you been?" The teacher, Mrs. Machi, said, sternly.

Killua glared at the teacher.

"I was at home." He growled.

The teacher just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, just hurry up and introduce yourself." She said, clearly annoyed.

Killua walked to the front of the class and looked around.

He then spotted the boy known as Gon Freecs in the middle row next to an empty desk.


"Yo, the name is Killua Zoldyck." He said, calmly waving.

The class immediately began whispering.

"What? As in the Killua Zoldyck, the assassin?"

"Yeah, what is he doing here?"

"I hope he doesn't sit by me."

"I do, he's pretty hot!"

"Alright class, calm down! Killua you can sit next to Gon." She said pointing towards the adorable boy.

Killua walked down the row, completely ignoring the whispers, and sat next to Gon.

After a while of silence, Gon turned towards Killua and smiled brightly.

"Hi! I'm Gon, it's nice to meet you Killua!" He said, cheerfully.

"Tsk, baka pay attention. . ." Killua said, turning his head from the radiant boy.

"He's shining so brightly that I have no choice but to look away."

"Um, okay! Let's talk afterwards then! Sit by me at lunch okay?" Gon whispered before returning his attention back to the lecture.

"Yea sure, whatever. . ." Killua mumbled.

"This mission is not going to be as easy as I thought. . ."

Living An Assassin's Life (Killugon | Killua x Gon)Where stories live. Discover now